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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2C, R and T

ACCURATEaccurate adj. Telling the truth or giving a true result; exact; not defective or faulty.
accurate adj. Deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits.
accurate adj. (Obsolete) Precisely fixed; executed with care; careful.
APRACTICapractic adj. (Neurology) Relating to apraxia.
APRACTIC adj. unable to perform voluntary bodily movements, also APRAXIC.
BACCARATbaccarat n. (Card games) A card game resembling chemin de fer with many forms - usually entailing the player(s)…
BACCARAT n. (French) a French card game, also BACCARA.
BRACCATEBRACCATE adj. having feathered legs.
CARCANETcarcanet n. (Archaic) A richly decorative collar.
CARCANET n. (obsolete) an ornamental necklace, collar or headband.
CARRACTSCARRACT n. (historical) a large ship of burden, also CARACK, CARRACK, CARRECT.
CARUCATEcarucate n. (Historical) The notional area of land able to be farmed in a year by a team of 8 oxen pulling a carruca…
CARUCATE n. (historical) as much land as may be tilled in a year and a day by one plough.
CARYATICcaryatic adj. Of or relating to a caryatid.
CARYATIC adj. of or like a caryatid, a draped female figure supporting an entablature, also CARYATIDAL, CARYATIDEAN, CARYATIDIC.
CATARACTcataract n. (Obsolete) A waterspout.
cataract n. A large waterfall; steep rapids in a river.
cataract n. A flood of water.
CHARACTScharacts n. Plural of charact.
CHARACT n. (obsolete) a letter or symbol impressed on something.
COATRACKcoatrack n. (US) Alternative spelling of coat rack.
coat-rack n. Alternative spelling of coat rack.
coat␣rack n. A rack or stand with hooks or pegs for holding hats and coats, often placed near an entrance for temporary use.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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