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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2C, H and I

AIRCOACHaircoach n. (Aviation) An airliner offering relatively cheap but cramped passenger flights.
AIRCOACH n. the cheaper accommodation in commercial aircraft.
ANARCHICanarchic adj. Relating to, supporting, or likely to cause anarchy.
anarchic adj. Chaotic, without law or order.
anarchic adj. (Somewhat pejorative) Free-spirited; not bound by the rigors or expectations of society.
BACCHIACbacchiac n. (Prosody) Synonym of bacchius.
BACCHIAC adj. relating to the bacchius, a type of metrical foot, also BACCHIAN.
BACCHIANbacchian adj. (Rare) jovial or drunken.
BACCHIAN adj. relating to the bacchius, a type of metrical foot, also BACCHIAC.
BISCACHAbiscacha n. Rare form of viscacha.
BISCACHA n. a South American rodent, also BIZCACHA.
BIZCACHAbizcacha n. Rare form of viscacha.
BIZCACHA n. a South American rodent, also BISCACHA.
CACHEXIAcachexia n. (Pathology) A systemic wasting of muscle tissue, with or without loss of fat mass, that accompanies a chronic disease.
CACHEXIA n. general ill health, also CACHEXY.
CAILLACHcaillach n. Alternative form of cailleach.
CAILLACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLEACH, CAILLIACH.
CHARACIDcharacid n. (Zoology) Any fish in the family Characidae.
CHARACID n. any carnivorous freshwater fish of the family Characidae, which includes the pirana, also CHARACIN.
CHARACINcharacin n. Any of many diverse fish, of the order Characiformes, related to the carp and catfish and including…
CHARACIN n. any carnivorous freshwater fish of the family Characidae, which includes the pirana, also CHARACID.
CHICANASChicanas n. Plural of Chicana.
Chican@s n. Plural of Chican@.
CHICANA n. (US derogatory) a (female) American of Mexican descent.
HALACHIChalachic adj. Of or pertaining to Halacha (Jewish law).
halachic adj. In accordance with Halacha.
HALACHIC adj. (Hebrew) relating to halacha, the legal component of the Jewish oral tradition, also HALAKHIC, HALAKIC.
PACHALICpachalic n. Alternative form of pashalic.
PACHALIC n. (Turkish) the territory of a pasha, also PASHALIK, PASHALIC.
VISCACHAviscacha n. Any of the several South American rodents, native to the Andes, of the genera Lagidium and Lagostomus…
VISCACHA n. (Quechua) a gregarious burrowing South American rodent related to the chinchilla, also BISCACHA, BIZCACHA, VIZCACHA.
VIZCACHAvizcacha n. Alternative spelling of viscacha.
VIZCACHA n. (Quechua) a gregarious burrowing South American rodent related to the chinchilla, also BISCACHA, BIZCACHA, VISCACHA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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