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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, L, R and T

ABLATORSablators n. Plural of ablator.
ABLATOR n. a substance undergoing ablation, e.g. in a heat-shield.
ARBALESTarbalest n. A crossbow.
arbalest n. A crossbowman.
ARBALEST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALIST, ARBELEST, ARBLAST.
ARBALISTarbalist n. Alternative form of arbalest.
ARBALIST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALEST, ARBELEST, ARBLAST.
ARBITRALarbitral adj. Relating to arbitration.
ARBITRAL adj. in Scots law, of or relating to an arbiter or an arbitration.
ARBLASTSarblasts n. Plural of arblast.
ARBLAST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALEST, ARBALIST, ARBELEST.
BARBITALbarbital n. The first commercially marketed barbiturate, used as a hypnotic drug until the mid-1950s.
BARBITAL n. (US) a derivative of barbituric acid used as a sedative, also BARBITONE.
BETRAYALbetrayal n. The act of betraying.
BETRAYAL n. the act of betraying.
BRACTEALbracteal adj. Having the nature or appearance of a bract.
bracteal adj. (Botany) Relating to bracts.
BRACTEAL adj. of a bract.
BRANTAILbrantail n. (UK, dialect, Yorkshire) The European redstart.
BRANTAIL n. the redstart, so called from the red color of its tail.
CARTABLEcartable adj. Able to be carted or carried.
cartable adj. (Chiefly India) Able to be traveled by cart.
CARTABLE adj. able to be carted.
GLABRATEglabrate adj. Becoming smooth (as if with age).
glabrate adj. (Botany) Somewhat glabrous.
GLABRATE adj. smooth, also GLABROUS.
RATABLESRATABLE n. property which may be rated, also RATEABLE.
RATEABLErateable adj. Liable to incur the payment of rates.
RATEABLE adj. capable of being rated, also RATABLE.
RATEABLYRATEABLE adv. capable of being rated, also RATABLE.
SUBTALARsubtalar adj. (Anatomy) Below the talus.
SUBTALAR adj. below the anklebone.
TEARABLEtearable adj. Able to be torn.
TEARABLE adj. able to be torn.
TRADABLEtradable adj. Capable of being traded.
tradable n. An asset which can be traded.
TRADABLE adj. able to be traded.
TRAPBALLtrapball n. (Obsolete) A game in which a batsman makes a ball hit a trap (device) that sends the ball into the air…
trap␣ball n. An old game played with a levered wooden trap by means of which a small ball is launched into the air…
TRAPBALL n. a type of ball game.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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