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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, 2L and P

BALLPARKballpark n. (US) A field, stadium or park where ball, especially baseball, is played.
ballpark n. (US, figuratively) The general vicinity; somewhere close; a broad approximation.
ballpark adj. Approximate; close; on the right order of magnitude.
LAPSABLElapsable adj. Alternative form of lapsible.
LAPSABLE adj. liable to lapse, also LAPSIBLE.
PALMBALLPALMBALL n. a baseball pitched from the palm and thumb.
PALPABLEpalpable adj. Capable of being touched, felt or handled; touchable, tangible.
palpable adj. (Figurative) Obvious or easily perceived; noticeable.
palpable adj. (Medicine) That can be detected by palpation.
PALPABLYpalpably adv. In a palpable manner; tangibly.
PALPABLE adv. capable of being felt.
PATBALLSPATBALL n. a gentle ball game such as rounders.
PLACABLEplacable adj. Able to be easily pacified; quick to forgive.
placable adj. Peaceable; quiet.
placable adj. (Obsolete) Having the effect of pacifying, appeasing or pleasing.
PLACABLYplacably adv. In a placable manner.
PLACABLE adv. capable of being placated.
PLAYABLEplayable adj. Able to be played.
playable adj. (Games) Of a move, giving a reasonable result; able to be played without losing.
playable adj. (Games) Of a game, able to be played and enjoyed.
TRAPBALLtrapball n. (Obsolete) A game in which a batsman makes a ball hit a trap (device) that sends the ball into the air…
trap␣ball n. An old game played with a levered wooden trap by means of which a small ball is launched into the air…
TRAPBALL n. a type of ball game.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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