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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, I, R and T

ABATTOIRabattoir n. A public slaughterhouse for cattle, sheep, etc.
abattoir n. A place or event likened to a slaughterhouse, because of great carnage or bloodshed.
ABATTOIR n. (French) a public slaughterhouse.
AIRBOATSairboats n. Plural of airboat.
AIRBOAT n. a kind of boat driven by an aircraft propeller.
ARBALISTarbalist n. Alternative form of arbalest.
ARBALIST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALEST, ARBELEST, ARBLAST.
ARBITRALarbitral adj. Relating to arbitration.
ARBITRAL adj. in Scots law, of or relating to an arbiter or an arbitration.
ATABRINEatabrine n. Synonym of quinacrine.
ATABRINE n. (tradename) a bitter yellow powder, formerly used against malaria, also ATABRIN, ATEBRIN.
ATABRINSATABRIN n. (tradename) a bitter yellow powder, formerly used against malaria, also ATABRINE, ATEBRIN.
AUBRETIAaubretia n. Any plant of the genus Aubrieta.
AUBRETIA n. any of several dwarf trailing cruciferous plants of the genus Aubrieta, usually bearing violet or purple flowers, also AUBRIETA, AUBRIETIA.
AUBRIETAaubrieta n. Alternative spelling of aubrietia.
AUBRIETA n. any of several dwarf trailing cruciferous plants of the genus Aubrieta, usually bearing violet or purple flowers, also AUBRETIA, AUBRIETIA.
BACTERIAbacteria n. Plural of bacterium.
bacteria n. (US) A type, species, or strain of bacterium.
bacteria n. (US, proscribed) Alternative form of bacterium.
BARBITALbarbital n. The first commercially marketed barbiturate, used as a hypnotic drug until the mid-1950s.
BARBITAL n. (US) a derivative of barbituric acid used as a sedative, also BARBITONE.
BARISTASbaristas n. Plural of barista.
BARISTA n. one who makes and serves coffee to the public.
BARTISANbartisan n. (Architecture) A parapet with battlements projecting from the top of a tower in a castle or church.
BARTISAN n. a small overhanging turret projecting from an angle on the top of a tower, also BARTIZAN.
BARTIZANbartizan n. Alternative form of bartisan.
BARTIZAN n. a corner turret, also BARTISAN.
BARTSIASBARTSIA n. a wild flower of the family Scrophulariaceae.
BRANTAILbrantail n. (UK, dialect, Yorkshire) The European redstart.
BRANTAIL n. the redstart, so called from the red color of its tail.
CATBRIARCATBRIAR n. a thorny shrub, also CATBRIER.
RABATINErabatine n. Alternative form of rabato (“type of collar”).
RABATINE n. (Scott) a low collar.
RUBAIYATrubaiyat n. Plural of rubai.
ruba'iyat n. Plural of ruba’i.
RUBAI n. (Arabic) a Persian verse-form, a four-line stanza.
TABASHIRtabashir n. Alternative form of tabasheer.
TABASHIR n. (Portuguese) a siliceous substance sometimes found in crude form in hollows of bamboos, used in Eastern medicine, also TABASHEER.
TARABISHtarabish n. A trick-taking card game spread throughout the British Empire by Scottish soldiers; still played in…
TARABISH n. a trick-taking card game popular in Nova Scotia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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