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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, E, S and U

ABACUSESabacuses n. Plural of abacus.
ABACUS n. (Latin) a counting frame using beads.
ABATURESabatures n. Plural of abature.
ABATURE n. (French) a trail through a wood beaten down by a stag.
ABUSABLEabusable adj. Capable of being abused.
ABUSABLE adj. able to be abused.
ABUSAGESabusages n. Plural of abusage.
ABUSAGE n. improper or incorrect use esp. of language.
AMUSABLEamusable adj. Capable of being amused.
AMUSABLE adj. able to be amused.
AUFGABESAufgabes n. Plural of Aufgabe.
AUFGABE n. (German) a set experimental task in psychology.
BANDEAUSbandeaus n. Plural of bandeau.
BANDEAU n. (French) a narrow band or fillet; a part of a headdress.
CAUSABLEcausable adj. (Rare) That may be caused.
CAUSABLE adj. able to be caused.
JAMBEAUSjambeaus n. Plural of jambeau.
JAMBEAU n. (obsolete) armour for the legs below the knees, a greave, also JAMB, JAMBART, JAMBE, JAMBER, JAMBIER.
OUBAASESOUBAAS n. (South African) someone senior in years or rank.
SUBAREASsubareas n. Plural of subarea.
SUBAREA n. a subdivision of an area.
TABLEAUStableaus n. Plural of tableau.
TABLEAU n. (French) a picture or vivid pictorial impression.
USQUABAEusquabae n. Alternative form of usquebae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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