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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, E, N and O

ABALONESabalones n. Plural of abalone.
ABALONE n. a sea snail of rocky coasts, aka ormer.
AMOEBEANamoebean adj. Describing a form of prosody featuring alternating responses.
AMOEBEAN adj. alternately answering, responsive, as often in pastoral poetry.
ANAEROBEanaerobe n. An anaerobic organism; one that does not require oxygen to sustain its metabolic processes.
ANAEROBE n. an organism that lives in absence of free oxygen.
ATONABLEatonable adj. Capable of being atoned for.
ATONABLE adj. able to be atoned for.
BARONAGEbaronage n. Barons or nobles collectively.
baronage n. An annotated list of barons or peers.
baronage n. (Obsolete) barony, the dignity or rank of a baron.
HABANEROhabanero n. An intensely spicy chili pepper, Capsicum chinense.
habañero n. Nonstandard spelling of habanero.
HABANERO n. (Spanish) a hot chili pepper.
LOANABLEloanable adj. That may be loaned.
LOANABLE adj. able to be loaned.
ZABAIONEzabaione n. Alternative form of zabaglione.
ZABAIONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian custard, also ZABAGLIONE, ZABAJONE.
ZABAJONEzabajone n. Alternative form of zabaglione.
ZABAJONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian custard, also ZABAGLIONE, ZABAIONE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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