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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, E, L and U

ABUSABLEabusable adj. Capable of being abused.
ABUSABLE adj. able to be abused.
AMBULATEambulate v. (Intransitive) To walk; to relocate oneself under the power of one’s own legs.
AMBULATE v. to walk; to move about.
AMUSABLEamusable adj. Capable of being amused.
AMUSABLE adj. able to be amused.
ARGUABLEarguable adj. That can be argued; that can be proven or strongly supported with sound logical deduction, precedent, and evidence.
arguable adj. (Colloquial) Open to doubt, argument or debate.
ARGUABLE adj. capable of being disputed.
CAUSABLEcausable adj. (Rare) That may be caused.
CAUSABLE adj. able to be caused.
FABULATEfabulate v. (Intransitive) To tell invented stories, often those that involve fantasy, such as fables.
fabulate v. (Transitive, archaic) To relate as or in the manner of a fable.
fabulate v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To tell fables, to narrate with fables.
FLAMBEAUflambeau n. A burning torch, especially one carried in procession.
FLAMBEAU n. (French) a flaming torch.
LAUDABLElaudable adj. Worthy of being lauded; praiseworthy; commendable.
laudable adj. Healthy; salubrious; having a disposition to promote healing.
LAUDABLE adj. worthy of praise.
TABLEAUStableaus n. Plural of tableau.
TABLEAU n. (French) a picture or vivid pictorial impression.
TABLEAUXtableaux n. Plural of tableau.
TABLEAU n. (French) a picture or vivid pictorial impression.
TABULATEtabulate v. (Transitive) To arrange in tabular form; to arrange into a table.
tabulate v. (Transitive) To set out as a list; to enumerate, to list.
tabulate v. (Transitive, Scotland, obsolete) To enter into an official register or roll.
VALUABLEvaluable adj. Having a great value.
valuable adj. Estimable; deserving esteem.
valuable n. (Usually in the plural) A personal possession such as jewellery, of relatively great monetary value.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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