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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, E, G and N

ABEARINGabearing n. (Obsolete) Behaviour.
abearing v. Present participle of abear.
ABEAR v. to bear; to behave.
ABNEGATEabnegate v. (Transitive) To deny (oneself something); to renounce or give up (a right, a power, a claim, a privilege…
abnegate v. (Transitive) To relinquish; to surrender; to abjure.
ABNEGATE v. to renounce or repudiate.
BADINAGEbadinage n. Playful raillery; banter.
badinage v. To engage in badinage or playful banter.
BADINAGE v. (French) to banter.
BANDAGEDbandaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of bandage.
BANDAGE v. to cover a wound with a strip of cloth.
BANDAGERbandager n. One who applies a bandage.
BANDAGER n. one who bandages.
BANDAGESbandages n. Plural of bandage.
bandages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bandage.
BANDAGE v. to cover a wound with a strip of cloth.
BARGEMANbargeman n. A member of the crew of a barge.
bargeman n. A barge owner, maintainer, or captain of a barge.
bargeman n. (Nautical, slang) A large white maggot that frequently infested ship’s biscuits; most likely a larva…
BARONAGEbaronage n. Barons or nobles collectively.
baronage n. An annotated list of barons or peers.
baronage n. (Obsolete) barony, the dignity or rank of a baron.
BEANBAGSbeanbags n. Plural of beanbag.
bean␣bags n. Plural of bean bag.
BEANBAG n. a small cloth bag containing dried beans and the like.
BERGHAANberghaan n. (South Africa) Verreaux’s eagle (Aquila verreauxii).
BERGHAAN n. (South African) the bateleur eagle.
GAINABLEgainable adj. Capable of being gained (in any sense), obtained, or reached.
GAINABLE adj. able to be gained.
GNAWABLEgnawable adj. Capable of being gnawed.
GNAWABLE adj. able to be gnawed.
HANGABLEhangable adj. Able to be hung or suspended.
hangable adj. Punishable with execution by hanging.
HANGABLE adj. able to be hung.
HEADBANGheadbang v. To engage in headbanging, the vigorous movement of the head in time to music.
head␣bang n. Alternative form of headbang.
HEADBANG v. to nod one's head violently to the beat of loud music.
MANGABEYmangabey n. Any of several large, arboreal monkeys in the genera Cercocebus, Lophocebus and Rungwecebus of the family…
MANGABEY n. (Malagasy) a long-tailed African monkey, also MANGABY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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