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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, C, R and T

ABACTORSabactors n. Plural of abactor.
ABACTOR n. (obsolete) a cattle thief.
ABREACTSabreacts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abreact.
ABREACT v. to resolve a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it.
ABSTRACTabstract n. An abridgement or summary of a longer publication.
abstract n. Something that concentrates in itself the qualities of a larger item, or multiple items.
abstract n. An abstraction; an abstract term; that which is abstract.
ACERBATEacerbate adj. (Rare) Embittered; having a sour disposition or nature.
acerbate v. (Transitive) To exasperate; to irritate.
acerbate v. (Transitive) To make bitter or sour.
ACROBATSacrobats n. Plural of acrobat.
acrobats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acrobat.
ACROBAT n. one skilled in gymnastic feats.
BACCARATbaccarat n. (Card games) A card game resembling chemin de fer with many forms - usually entailing the player(s)…
BACCARAT n. (French) a French card game, also BACCARA.
BACTERIAbacteria n. Plural of bacterium.
bacteria n. (US) A type, species, or strain of bacterium.
bacteria n. (US, proscribed) Alternative form of bacterium.
BEARCATSbearcats n. Plural of bearcat.
bear␣cats n. Plural of bear cat.
BEARCAT n. the lesser panda.
BRACCATEBRACCATE adj. having feathered legs.
BRACTEALbracteal adj. Having the nature or appearance of a bract.
bracteal adj. (Botany) Relating to bracts.
BRACTEAL adj. of a bract.
BRATPACKbratpack adj. (Informal, film) Of or relating to the Brat Pack.
Brat␣Pack prop.n. (Informal, film, historical) A group of young actors who frequently appeared together in teen-oriented…
Brat␣Pack prop.n. (Informal, literature, historical) A group of young authors who emerged on the East Coast in the 1980s.
CABARETScabarets n. Plural of cabaret.
CABARET n. a music hall.
CABRETTAcabretta n. A kind of leather made from sheep hair (not wool).
CABRETTA n. (Spanish) a soft leather made from the skins of a hairy South American sheep.
CARTABLEcartable adj. Able to be carted or carried.
cartable adj. (Chiefly India) Able to be traveled by cart.
CARTABLE adj. able to be carted.
CATBRIARCATBRIAR n. a thorny shrub, also CATBRIER.
CRABMEATcrabmeat n. The meat of a crab.
crab␣meat n. Alternative spelling of crabmeat.
CRABMEAT n. the edible part of a crab.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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