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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, C, N and R

BALANCERbalancer n. One who, or that which, balances.
balancer n. An acrobat.
balancer n. Any of the rear wings of certain insects used for stability in flight.
BANKCARDbankcard n. A card that a bank issues used by the cardholder in the course of authorization to receive bank services.
bank␣card n. (Banking) A card issued by a bank, which may entitle the holder to a variety of services similar to…
BANKCARD n. a card issued by a bank allowing withdrawal of money etc.
BARACANSbaracans n. Plural of baracan.
BARACAN n. (French) a coarsely woven fabric of wool, silk, and goat's hair, also BARRACAN.
BARBICANbarbican n. A tower at the entrance to a castle or fortified town.
barbican n. A fortress at the end of a bridge.
barbican n. An opening in the wall of a fortress through which the guns are levelled; a narrow loophole through…
BARCHANEbarchane n. Alternative spelling of barchan.
BARCHANE n. (Turkish) a crescent-shaped sand dune, also BARKHAN, BARCHAN, BARKAN.
BARCHANSbarchans n. Plural of barchan.
BARCHAN n. (Turkish) a crescent-shaped sand dune, also BARKHAN, BARCHANE, BARKAN.
BARNACLEbarnacle n. A marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia that attaches itself to submerged surfaces such as tidal…
barnacle n. The barnacle goose.
barnacle n. (Engineering, slang) In electrical engineering, a change made to a product on the manufacturing floor…
BARRACANbarracan n. A thick, strong kind of camlet from linen, wool, cotton or all three, usually with a stripe structure…
BARRACAN n. (French) a coarsely woven fabric of wool, silk, and goat's hair, also BARACAN.
BARRANCAbarranca n. A steep-sided gulch or arroyo; a canyon or ravine.
BARRANCA n. (Spanish) a deep ravine, also BARRANCO.
BARRANCObarranco n. A gully, gulch, or ravine.
Barranco prop.n. A surname.
BARRANCO n. (Spanish) a deep ravine, also BARRANCA.
BRAINIACbrainiac n. (Slang, sometimes derogatory) A very intelligent and usually studious, erudite person.
BRAINIAC n. a very intelligent person.
BRANCARDbrancard n. (Obsolete) A litter drawn by a horse, on which a person may be carried.
BRANCARD n. (French) a horse-litter.
BRANCHIAbranchia n. A gill or other organ having the same function.
BRANCHIA n. (Latin) a gill.
CARABINEcarabine v. (Transitive, nautical or rock climbing) To attach via carabiner.
carabine n. (Military) A carbine.
CARABINE n. a rifle with a relatively short barrel, also CARABIN, CARBINE.
CARABINScarabins n. Plural of carabin.
CARABIN n. a rifle with a relatively short barrel, also CARABINE, CARBINE.
CARBARNScarbarns n. Plural of carbarn.
car␣barns n. Plural of car barn.
CARBARN n. a garage for buses.
CARNAUBAcarnauba n. A Brazilian palm tree having waxy, fan-shaped leaves and toothed leafstalks, Copernicia prunifera.
carnauba n. (Uncountable) The hard wax obtained from the leaves of this plant and used especially in polishes.
CARNAUBA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian palm tree yielding a fine yellowish wax, also CARNAHUBA.
CINNABARcinnabar n. A deep red mineral, mercuric sulfide, HgS; the principal ore of mercury; such ore used as the pigment vermilion.
cinnabar n. A bright red colour tinted with orange.
cinnabar n. (Countable) A species of moth, Tyria jacobaeae, having red patches on its predominantly black wings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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