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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing 3A, M, R and T

AMARANTHamaranth n. (Dated, poetic) An imaginary flower that does not wither.
amaranth n. Any of various herbs of the genus Amaranthus.
amaranth n. The characteristic purplish-red colour of the flowers or leaves of these plants.
AMARANTSamarants n. Plural of amarant.
AMARANT n. a fabled never-fading flower, also AMARANTH.
DATAGRAMdatagram n. (Networking) A packet of data passed across a network.
DATAGRAM n. a communication channel that uses information routed through a packet-switching network.
HAMARTIAhamartia n. (Greek drama) The tragic flaw of the protagonist in a literary tragedy.
hamartia n. (Christianity) Sin.
hamartia n. (Pathology) A focal malformation consisting of disorganized arrangement of tissue types.
MARANTASmarantas n. Plural of maranta.
MARANTA n. a genus of tropical plants that includes arrowroot.
MATADORAmatadora n. A female matador.
MATADORA n. a female matador.
PATAMARSpatamars n. Plural of patamar.
PATAMAR n. (Portuguese) a vessel resembling a grab, used in the coasting trade of Bombay and Ceylon, also PATTAMAR.
PATTAMARpattamar n. Alternative form of patamar.
PATTAMAR n. (Portuguese) a vessel resembling a grab, used in the coasting trade of Bombay and Ceylon, also PATAMAR.
RAZMATAZrazmataz n. Alternative form of razzmatazz.
RAZMATAZ n. a to-do, a hullabaloo, also RAZZAMATAZZ, RAZZMATAZZ.
TAMARACKtamarack n. Any of several North American larches, of the genus Larix.
tamarack n. The wood from such a tree.
TAMARACK n. (Native American) the American or black larch.
TAMARAOStamaraos n. Plural of tamarao.
TAMARAO n. (Tagalog) a small wild buffalo of the Philippines, also TAMARAU, TIMARAU.
TAMARAUStamaraus n. Plural of tamarau.
TAMARAU n. (Tagalog) a small wild buffalo of the Philippines, also TAMARAO, TIMARAU.
TARAMEASTARAMEA n. (Maori) a variety of New Zealand spear-grass.
TRAUMATAtraumata n. Plural of trauma.
TRAUMA n. (Greek) a severe emotional shock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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