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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 3A, L, R and T

ALCATRASalcatras n. (Obsolete) Any of various large ocean birds, such as the pelican, gannet, frigatebird, or albatross.
ALCATRAS n. (Arabic) a kind of large water bird.
ALIGARTAALIGARTA n. (obsolete) an alligator.
ALTARAGEaltarage n. The offerings made upon the altar or to a church.
altarage n. The profit which accrues to the priest, by reason of the altar, from the small tithes.
ALTARAGE n. offerings made upon the altar.
ASTRAGALastragal n. (Anatomy) Synonym of astragalus: the bone forming the ball of the ankle joint.
astragal n. A die, especially a four-sided die historically made from or in imitation of an ankle bone.
astragal n. (Architecture) A semicircular molding separating the architrave at the top or bottom of a column.
LAVATERAlavatera n. (Botany) Any of the genus Lavatera of malvaceous flowering plants.
Lavatera prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Malvaceae – the lavateras.
LAVATERA n. any plant of the lavatera genus.
RATAPLANrataplan n. A continuous, even drumming or rapping, as of the hooves of a galloping horse, or machine-gun fire.
rataplan v. To drum repeatedly.
RATAPLAN v. to make a rapidly repeating sound, as on a drum.
SALARIATsalariat n. (Economics) Salary earners as a class or group, often as opposed to wage earners.
SALARIAT n. (French) the class of salaried persons.
SATRAPALsatrapal adj. Of, related to, or in the manner of a satrap or a satrapy.
SATRAPAL adj. of or pertaining to a satrap, or a satrapy.
TARLATANtarlatan n. A thin muslin with an open weave, once used for ballgowns etc.
TARLATAN n. (French) a thin, stiffly-starched, open-weave muslin, also TARLETAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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