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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 3A, G, R and S

ANAGRAMSanagrams n. Plural of anagram.
anagrams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anagram.
ANAGRAM v. to transpose letters to form new words.
ANGARIASangarias n. Plural of angaria.
ANGARIA n. the legal right of a belligerent to seize, use, or destroy the property of a neutral, provided that full compensation is made, also ANGARY.
ASTRAGALastragal n. (Anatomy) Synonym of astragalus: the bone forming the ball of the ankle joint.
astragal n. A die, especially a four-sided die historically made from or in imitation of an ankle bone.
astragal n. (Architecture) A semicircular molding separating the architrave at the top or bottom of a column.
GASTRAEAgastraea n. (Biology, obsolete) A hypothetical animal form assumed by Ernst Haeckel as the ancestor of all metazoic animals.
gastraea n. Plural of gastraeum.
GASTRAEA n. a hypothetical ancestor of the Metazoa, sponges etc., also GASTREA.
GUARANASguaranas n. Plural of guarana.
GUARANA n. (Tupi) a caffeine-rich drink made from a Brazilian plant.
KARANGASkarangas n. Plural of karanga.
KARANGA v. to perform such a welcome.
NGARARASNGARARA n. (Maori) a lizard found in New Zealand.
NIAGARASNiagaras n. Plural of Niagara.
NIAGARA n. a deluge or outpouring.
PARASANGparasang n. A historical Iranian unit of itinerant distance used throughout the Western Mediterranean and the Middle…
PARASANG n. (Greek) an old Persian unit of distance.
PARGANASparganas n. Plural of pargana.
PARGANA n. (Hindi) a division of an administrative district or zillah in India, also PERGUNNAH.
SARGASSASARGASSUM n. (Latin) a genus of algae including the gulfweed, also SARGASSO.
TANAGRASTanagras n. Plural of Tanagra.
TANAGRA n. a kind of terracotta figurine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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