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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 3A, C, S and T

ACANTHASacanthas n. Plural of acantha.
ACANTHA n. (Greek) a sharp spiny part or structure, such as the spinous process of a vertebra.
ALCATRASalcatras n. (Obsolete) Any of various large ocean birds, such as the pelican, gannet, frigatebird, or albatross.
ALCATRAS n. (Arabic) a kind of large water bird.
ATAMASCOatamasco n. Short for Atamasco lily.
ATAMASCO n. a plant of the southeastern US, bearing a single white lilylike flower.
BACHATASBACHATA n. (Spanish) a type of Latin American music played with guitar and percussion; a dance performed to this music.
CANASTAScanastas n. Plural of canasta.
CANASTA n. (Spanish) a card game similar to rummy.
CANTALAScantalas n. Plural of cantala.
CANTALA n. a coarse fibre used in making strong thread or twine.
CANTATAScantatas n. Plural of cantata.
CANTATA n. (Italian) a kind of vocal composition with instrumental accompaniment.
CASSATAScassatas n. Plural of cassata.
Cassatas prop.n. Plural of Cassata.
CASSATA n. (Italian) an ice-cream containing candied fruit and nuts.
CASTAWAYcastaway adj. Cast adrift or ashore; marooned.
castaway adj. Shipwrecked.
castaway adj. Cast out; rejected or excluded from a group.
CATALASEcatalase n. An enzyme found in the liver that catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.
CATALASE n. an enzyme that reduces hydrogen peroxide.
CATALPAScatalpas n. Plural of catalpa.
CATALPA n. a tree of the genus Catalpa, of the bignonia family, with heart-shaped leaves, trumpet-shaped flowers, and long pods.
CATAPANScatapans n. Plural of catapan.
CATAPAN n. (Greek) the governor of Calabria and Apulia for the Byzantine emperor.
CATASTASCATASTA n. (Latin) a scaffold or stage for torture or selling slaves.
CATAWBAScatawbas n. Plural of catawba.
Catawbas n. Plural of Catawba.
CATAWBA n. a well known light red variety of American grape; a red wine made from it.
NACARATSnacarats n. Plural of nacarat.
NACARAT n. (French) a bright orange-red; a fabric so coloured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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