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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 3A, C, H and S

ACANTHASacanthas n. Plural of acantha.
ACANTHA n. (Greek) a sharp spiny part or structure, such as the spinous process of a vertebra.
ACHARYASacharyas n. Plural of acharya.
ACHARYA n. (Sanskrit) a Hindu teacher or learned man.
APHASIACaphasiac n. Alternative form of aphasic.
APHASIAC n. one suffering from aphasia, the inability to use or comprehend words, also APHASIC.
BACHATASBACHATA n. (Spanish) a type of Latin American music played with guitar and percussion; a dance performed to this music.
CACHACAScachacas n. Plural of cachaca.
cachaças n. Plural of cachaça.
CACHACA n. a white Brazilian rum made from sugarcane.
CALABASHcalabash n. A tree (known as the calabash tree; Crescentia cujete) native to Central and South America, the West…
calabash n. The bottle gourd (calabash vine, Lagenaria siceraria), believed to have originated in Africa, which…
calabash n. A container made from the mature, dried shell of the fruit of one of the above plants; also, a similarly…
CHALAZASchalazas n. Plural of chalaza.
CHALAZA n. (Greek) a band of tissue in an egg.
HALACHAShalachas n. Plural of halacha.
Halachas n. Plural of Halacha.
HALACHA n. (Hebrew) the legal part of the Talmud, also HALAKAH, HALAKHA, HALAKHAH.
MACHACASmachacas n. Plural of machaca.
MACHACA n. (Spanish) a Mexican dish of shredded meat fried with vegetables.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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