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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, N, O, S, T and U

AMOUNTSamounts n. Plural of amount.
amounts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of amount.
AMOUNT v. to come to in total.
ASTOUNDastound v. To astonish, bewilder or dazzle.
astound adj. (Obsolete) Stunned; astounded; astonished.
ASTOUND v. to amaze.
CONATUSconatus n. An effort, an endeavour, a striving.
conatus n. A force or impulse; a nisus.
CONATUS n. (Latin) a natural impulse or tendency.
MOUTANSmoutans n. Plural of moutan.
MOUTAN n. (Chinese) the Chinese tree peony, a shrub with large flowers of various colors.
NOCTUASNOCTUA n. (Latin) a general name for any moth of the family Noctuidae.
NOUGATSnougats n. Plural of nougat.
NOUGAT n. (French) a sweet made from egg-white sweetened with sugar or honey and mixed with nuts and sometimes pieces of fruit.
OUTMANSoutmans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outman.
Outmans prop.n. Plural of Outman.
OUTMAN v. to surpass in manpower.
OUTSANGoutsang v. Simple past tense of outsing.
OUTSING v. to surpass in singing.
OUTSPANoutspan v. (South Africa) To release oxen from harness.
outspan n. (South Africa) The place where one outspans.
outspan n. An area on a farm kept available for travellers to rest and refresh their animals.
ROUSANTrousant adj. (Heraldry) Rising; applied to a bird in the attitude of rising, or in profile with wings addorsed.
ROUSANT adj. in heraldry, rising as a bird, especially a swan.
SANTOKUsantoku n. A Japanese knife for general culinary usage.
SANTOKU n. (Japanese) a kind of Japanese kitchen knife.
SANTOURsantour n. Alternative form of santur.
SANTOUR n. (Arabic) an Eastern dulcimer, also SANTIR, SANTOOR, SANTUR.
SOUTANEsoutane n. A long gown with sleeves and buttons at the front.
SOUTANE n. (French) a Roman Catholic priest's cassock.
TOTANUSTotanus prop.n. A former genus of various waders or shorebirds, now subsumed within Tringa.
TOTANUS n. (Italian) the redshank.
TOUCANStoucans n. Plural of toucan.
TOUCAN n. (Tupi) a tropical bird with a large bill.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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