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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, I, N, P, R and T

ATROPINatropin n. Alternative spelling of atropine.
ATROPIN n. a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade, also ATROPIA, ATROPINE.
CANTRIPcantrip n. A spell or incantation; a trifling magic trick.
cantrip n. A wilful piece of trickery or mischief.
CANTRIP n. (Scots) a charm; an incantation, also CANTRAIP, CANTRAP.
INAPTERINAPT adj. unfit or unqualified, also INEPT, UNAPT.
INWRAPTinwrapt v. (Archaic) simple past tense and past participle of inwrap.
INWRAP v. to cover by wrapping, also ENWRAP.
PAINTERpainter n. An artist who paints pictures.
painter n. A laborer or workman who paints surfaces using a paintbrush or other means.
painter n. (Obsolete) A chain or rope used to attach the shank of an anchor to the side of a ship when not in use.
PARTINGparting n. The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; division; separation.
parting n. A farewell, the act of departing politely.
parting n. (Britain) The dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions; part (US).
PERTAINpertain v. (Intransitive) To belong to or be a part of; be an adjunct, attribute, or accessory of.
pertain v. (Intransitive) To relate, to refer, be relevant to.
pertain v. (Intransitive) To apply; to be or remain in place; to continue to be applicable.
PRATINGprating v. Present participle of prate.
prating n. Foolish chatter.
PRATING n. foolish talk.
PURITANpuritan n. (Often disapproving) A puritanical person.
puritan adj. (Often disapproving) Acting or behaving according to the Puritan morals (e.g. propagating modesty)…
Puritan n. A member of a particular Protestant religious sect advocating greater purity and piety.
REPAINTrepaint v. To paint anew or again, especially if recently painted.
repaint v. (Computing, transitive, intransitive) To draw or render again on the display.
repaint n. The act or process of painting something again, especially if recently painted.
SPIRANTspirant n. (Linguistics, dated) A fricative.
SPIRANT n. a sound produced by narrowing the air passage.
SPRAINTspraint n. A piece of otter dung. Usually used when referring to the observation and tracking of otters.
SPRAINT n. otter's dung.
TRAPINGtraping v. Present participle of trape.
TRAPE v. to walk in an aimless manner, also TRAIPSE, TRAPES, TRAPSE.
TRIPMANtripman n. (Historical) A person hired to transport goods by boat in the North American fur trade.
TRIPMAN n. a man hired to work on a trip.
TRIPTANtriptan n. Any of a family of tryptamine-based drugs used as abortive medication in the treatment of migraine and…
TRIPTAN n. a drug for treating migraine attacks.
UPTRAINuptrain v. (Transitive) To train up; educate.
UPTRAIN v. (obsolete) to train up, educate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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