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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, I, M, O, S and T

AMORISTamorist n. Someone who is in love.
amorist n. Someone who writes about love.
AMORIST n. a lover; a sexual adventurer.
AMOSITEamosite n. (Mineralogy) A variety of grunerite asbestos, once used in insulation.
AMOSITE n. a brown form of asbestos.
ATOMICSatomics n. Plural of atomic.
atomics n. The study of physics at an atomic level.
ATOMICS n. the science of dealing with atoms.
ATOMIESatomies n. Plural of atomy.
ATOMY n. (archaic) an atom, a mote.
ATOMISEatomise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of atomize.
ATOMISE v. to reduce to a fine spray, also ATOMIZE.
ATOMISMatomism n. (Philosophy) The ancient Greek theory that all matter is composed of very small indestructible and indivisible…
atomism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that society arises from individuals and that larger structures are unimportant.
ATOMISM n. the theory that atoms arranged themselves in the universe.
ATOMISTatomist n. An adherent of atomism; one who believes matter is composed of elementary indivisible particles.
atomist n. An adherent of the atomic theory.
ATOMIST n. an adherent of atomism, the belief that the universe consists of small indivisible particles.
DIATOMSdiatoms n. Plural of diatom.
DIATOM n. a microscopic unicellular alga that has a rigid siliceous cell wall.
IMPASTOimpasto n. (Painting) The use of a thick-bodied paint to create peaks and crests that physically extend from the…
impasto v. (Painting) To paint in thick-bodied paint; to paint in impasto style.
IMPASTO n. (Italian) the application of pigment thickly, in painting.
MANITOSmanitos n. Plural of manito.
MANITO n. (Native American) a name given by tribes of American Indians to a great spirit, whether good or evil, or to any object of worship, also MANITOU, MANITU.
MASTOIDmastoid adj. (Anatomy) Being the process of the temporal bone behind the ear.
mastoid adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the mastoid process of the temporal bone.
mastoid n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of mastoid process..
MATICOSMATICO n. (Spanish) a Peruvian plant, allied to the pepper, the leaves of which are used as a styptic and astringent.
MATIPOSmatipos n. Plural of matipo.
MATIPO n. (Maori) a New Zealand shrub.
OSMATICosmatic adj. Relating to the sense of smell.
osmatic adj. Having a keen sense of smell, or highly developed rhinencephalon.
OSMATIC adj. relying chiefly upon smell.
OSMIATEosmiate n. (Inorganic chemistry) osmate.
OSMIATE n. a salt of osmic acid, also OSMATE.
SOMATICsomatic adj. Part of, or relating to the body of an organism.
somatic adj. Pertaining, and restricted, to an individual; not inheritable.
somatic adj. Of or relating to the wall of the body; somatopleuric; parietal.
SOMITALsomital adj. Of or pertaining to a somite.
SOMITAL adj. relating to a somite, the body segment of a vertebrate embryo, also SOMITIC.
STAMNOIstamnoi n. Plural of stamnos.
STAMNOS n. (Greek) an ancient Greek short-necked jar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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