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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, I, M, N, O and T

AMATIONAMATION n. lovemaking.
AMNIOTEamniote n. (Biology) Any of the Amniota group of vertebrates having an amnion during the development of the embryo;…
AMNIOTE n. a vertebrate that develops an amnion during the embryonic stage.
AMOTIONamotion n. Removal; ousting, especially, of a corporate officer from office.
amotion n. Deprivation of possession.
AMOTION n. the removal of a corporate officer from his office.
ANIMATOanimato n. (Music) A passage to be played in a lively, animated manner.
animato adv. (Music) (To be played) in a lively, animated manner.
ANIMATO n. (Italian) a passage to be played in a lively manner.
MAINTOPmaintop n. (Nautical) A platform at the top of a square-rigged vessel’s mainmast; used for observation and for…
MAINTOP n. a platform at the head of a mainmast.
MANIHOTmanihot n. (Obsolete) manioc.
Manihot prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Euphorbiaceae – the cassava plant.
MANIHOT n. (Tupi) a plant of the manioc genus, aka cassava, also MANDIOC, MANDIOCA, MANDIOCCA, MANIHOC, MANIOC, MANIOCA.
MANITOSmanitos n. Plural of manito.
MANITO n. (Native American) a name given by tribes of American Indians to a great spirit, whether good or evil, or to any object of worship, also MANITOU, MANITU.
MANITOUmanitou n. A god or spirit as the object of religious awe or ritual among some American Indians.
Manitou prop.n. A community in the Municipality of Pembina, Manitoba, Canada.
Manitou prop.n. An unincorporated community and census-designated place in Hopkins County, Kentucky, United States.
MOATINGmoating v. Present participle of moat.
MOAT v. to surround with a water-filled trench.
PTOMAINptomain n. Alternative form of ptomaine.
PTOMAIN n. a compound produced by the decomposition of protein, also PTOMAINE.
STAMNOIstamnoi n. Plural of stamnos.
STAMNOS n. (Greek) an ancient Greek short-necked jar.
TAMPIONtampion n. A wooden plug, or a metal or canvas cover, for the muzzle of a gun, cannon, or other piece of ordnance…
tampion n. (Music) A plug for the upper end of an organ pipe.
tampion n. Obsolete form of tampon (“plug of absorbent material inserted into a body cavity or wound to absorb fluid”).
TIMPANOtimpano n. (Uncommon) A timbale (food).
TIMPANO n. (Italian) a kettledrum, also TYMPANO.
TINAMOUtinamou n. Any of the birds belonging to the South American family Tinamidae, the only family in the order Tinamiformes…
TINAMOU n. (Caribbean) a South American game bird.
TORMINAtormina n. (Medicine) acute pain in the abdomen; colic, gripes.
TORMINA n. (Latin) acute, colicky pains.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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