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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, I, L, N, O and S

ALBINOSalbinos n. Plural of albino.
ALBINO n. a person or organism lacking normal pigmentation.
ALISONSALISON n. a small flowering plant, sweet alyssum.
ALNICOSalnicos n. Plural of alnico.
ALNICO n. (tradename) a permanent magnetic alloy of aluminium, nickel and cobalt.
ANISOLEanisole n. (Organic chemistry) The aromatic ether methoxybenzene; it is used in perfumery and in organic synthesis;…
ANISOLE n. a colourless liquid ether.
DOLINASdolinas n. Plural of dolina.
DOLINA n. (Russian) a swallow-hole, also DOLINE.
KAOLINSkaolins n. Plural of kaolin.
KAOLIN n. (Chinese) a very pure white clay used to form the paste of porcelain; aka China clay, also KAOLINE.
LADINOSladinos n. Plural of ladino.
Ladinos n. Plural of Ladino.
LADINO n. (Spanish) a fast-growing clover.
LATINOSlatinos n. Plural of latino.
Latinos n. Plural of Latino.
LATINO n. (Spanish) a (male) Latin American.
LIAISONliaison n. Communication between two parties or groups.
liaison n. Co-operation, working together.
liaison n. A relayer of information between two forces in an army or during war.
MALISONmalison n. (Obsolete) A curse, a malediction.
MALISON n. a curse, a malediction.
MONIALSmonials n. Plural of monial.
MONIAL n. a mullion, the upright division between the panes of a window.
OILCANSoilcans n. Plural of oilcan.
OILCAN n. a can containing oil.
OILPANSoilpans n. Plural of oilpan.
oil␣pans n. Plural of oil pan.
OILPAN n. (US) a sump.
SHINOLAShinola n. Euphemism for shit.
SHINOLA n. (tradename) a kind of boot polish.
SIALONSsialons n. Plural of sialon.
SIALON n. a type of ceramic material.
SOLANINsolanin n. Alternative form of solanine.
SOLANIN n. a poisonous alkaloid glucoside extracted from the berries of common nightshade, also SOLANINE.
SOMNIALsomnial adj. (Rare) Pertaining to dreams.
SOMNIAL adj. pertaining to dreams.
TALIONSTALION n. (historical) a punishment identical to the crime e.g. death sentence for murder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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