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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, I, L, M and 2S

AIMLESSaimless adj. Without aim, purpose, or direction.
AIMLESS adj. without aim.
ALISMASalismas n. Plural of alisma.
ALISMA n. (Greek) a plant of the water-plantain genus.
DISMALSdismals n. A dismal or melancholy state.
DISMAL n. a swamp.
FALSISMfalsism n. A claim that is self-evidently false, commonly used a rhetorical device.
FALSISM n. something which is obviously false.
LAXISMSLAXISM n. the belief that an unlikely opinion may be safely followed.
MALISMSMALISM n. belief in the predominance of evil.
MASLINSmaslins n. Plural of maslin.
MESAILSmesails n. Plural of mesail.
MESAIL n. a visor, esp. one made in two parts, also MEZAIL.
MISKALSmiskals n. Plural of miskal.
MISKAL n. (Arabic) an Oriental unit of weight.
MISLAYSmislays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mislay.
MISLAY v. to put in a forgotten place.
MISSALSmissals n. Plural of missal.
MISSAL n. a book containing a complete service for mass.
MISTALSmistals n. Plural of mistal.
MISTAL n. (English dialect) a cow shed.
SALAMISsalamis n. Plural of salami.
Salamis prop.n. The largest island in the Saronic Gulf off Athens, Greece, where a famous battle in the Persian Wars took place.
Salamis prop.n. An ancient Greek city in Cyprus.
SAMIELSsamiels n. Plural of samiel.
SAMIEL n. (Turkish) a hot sand-laden wind of the Arabian and North African deserts.
SEISMALseismal adj. Seismic.
SEISMAL adj. pertaining to an earthquake, also SEISMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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