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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, 2I, N, S and T

ANIMISTanimist n. A believer in animism.
ANIMIST n. one who indulges in animism, the attribution of a living soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
DISTAINdistain v. (Rare) To stain, discolour or tarnish.
distain n. Misspelling of disdain.
DISTAIN v. (archaic) to stain, sully.
INTIMASintimas n. Plural of intima.
INTIMA n. (Latin) the innermost layer of an organ.
ISATINEisatine n. Alternative form of isatin.
ISATINE n. a substance obtained by oxidising indigo, also ISATIN.
ISATINSisatins n. Plural of isatin.
ISATIN n. a substance obtained by oxidising indigo, also ISATINE.
KAINITSkainits n. Plural of kainit.
KAINIT n. (German) hydrous magnesium sulphate with potassium chloride, found in salt deposits, used as a fertilizer, also KAINITE.
NAIVISTnaivist n. (Art) An artist working in the style of naivism.
NAIVIST adj. in a naive style.
PIANISTpianist n. A person who plays the piano, particularly with skill or as part of an orchestra.
pianist n. (World War II) A spy using radio or wireless telegraphy to keep in touch with headquarters during the…
PIANIST n. someone who plays the piano, also PIANISTE.
SANTIMIsantimi n. Plural of santim.
SANTIMS n. (Latvian) a former coin of Latvia, also SANTIMU.
TAHINIStahinis n. Plural of tahini.
TAHINI n. (Arabic) a paste made of crushed sesame seeds, also TAHINA.
TITANISTITANIS n. an ostrichlike prehistoric North American bird.
TITIANStitians n. Plural of titian.
TITIAN n. a reddish-brown colour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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