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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, 2I, M, N and T

AMINITYAMINITY n. the state of being amine.
ANIMATIANIMATO n. (Italian) a passage to be played in a lively manner.
ANIMISTanimist n. A believer in animism.
ANIMIST n. one who indulges in animism, the attribution of a living soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
IMITANTimitant n. An imitator.
imitant adj. Imitating.
IMITANT n. an imitation.
IMPAINTimpaint v. (Obsolete, transitive) To paint; to adorn with colours.
IMPAINT v. (Shakespeare) to paint or depict.
INTIMAEintimae n. Plural of intima.
INTIMA n. (Latin) the innermost layer of an organ.
INTIMALintimal adj. Of or pertaining to an intima.
INTIMAL adj. relating to an intima, the innermost layer of an organ.
INTIMASintimas n. Plural of intima.
INTIMA n. (Latin) the innermost layer of an organ.
MARTINImartini n. A cocktail made with gin or vodka and vermouth.
martini n. (Sometimes proscribed) Any cocktail served in a cocktail glass, often sweet or fruity and aimed at women.
martini n. Martin (attributive); used in taxonomic names for organisms having English names of the form "Martin’s ...".
MINIATEminiate adj. Of or relating to the colour of red lead or vermilion; painted with vermilion.
miniate v. To paint or tinge with red lead or vermilion, or with red letters, as in a manuscript.
MINIATE v. to decorate with rubrics; to illuminate a manuscript.
MINUTIAminutia n. A minor detail, often of negligible importance.
minutia n. (Biometrics, forensics) Any of the point features on fingerprints used for matching, usually endings…
MINUTIA n. (Latin) a small detail.
SANTIMIsantimi n. Plural of santim.
SANTIMS n. (Latvian) a former coin of Latvia, also SANTIMU.
THIAMINthiamin n. Alternative spelling of thiamine.
THIAMIN n. vitamin B1, found in seeds, grains, beans etc., also THIAMINE.
TIMPANItimpani n. (Music) The set of precision kettledrums in an orchestra.
TIMPANO n. (Italian) a kettledrum, also TYMPANO.
VITAMINvitamin n. Any of a specific group of organic compounds essential in small quantities for healthy human growth…
VITAMIN n. an organic substance essential to proper nutrition, also VITAMINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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