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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, H, I, R, S and T

AIRSHOTair-shot n. (Sports, soccer, golf, snooker etc.) A failed attempt to strike the ball.
air␣shot n. Alternative form of air-shot.
AIRSHOT n. in golf, a shot that misses the ball completely but counts as a shot.
ATHIRSTathirst adj. (Archaic) Thirsty.
athirst adj. (Figuratively) Eager or extremely desirous (for something).
ATHIRST adj. having a strong desire.
GRAITHSgraiths n. Plural of graith.
GRAITH v. (Scots) to dress, prepare.
HAIRSTSHAIRST v. (Scots) to gather in a crop, also HARVEST.
HARPISTharpist n. Someone who plays a harp, especially a pedal harp.
HARPIST n. one who plays the harp, also HARPER.
HASTIERhastier adj. Comparative form of hasty: more hasty.
HASTY adj. speedy.
RATFISHratfish n. A fish of any of the species in family Chimaeridae.
ratfish n. A chimaera.
RATFISH n. a marine fish.
RATTISHrattish adj. Pertaining to rats.
rattish adj. Exhibiting qualities that are commonly associated with rats.
rattish adj. Slightly short-tempered.
SHARIATSHARIAT n. (Turkish) the body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIA, SHARIAH, SHERIA, SHERIAT.
SHERIATsheriat n. Archaic form of shari’a.
SHERIAT n. (Turkish) the body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIA, SHARIAH, SHARIAT, SHERIA.
SHORTIAshortia n. (Botany) Any of the subshrubs and perennial herbs of the genus Shortia.
Shortia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Diapensiaceae – certain subshrubs or perennial herbs.
SHORTIA n. a perennial herb.
STIRRAHSTIRRAH n. (Scots) a respectful mode of address, also STIRRA.
TARNISHtarnish n. Oxidation or discoloration, especially of a decorative metal exposed to air.
tarnish v. (Intransitive) To oxidize or discolor due to oxidation.
tarnish v. (Transitive) To compromise, damage, soil, or sully.
TARTISHtartish adj. Mildly or slightly tart.
tartish adj. (UK, slang) tarty; slutty.
TARTISH adj. somewhat tart.
THAIRMSTHAIRM n. (Scots) an intestine, catgut, also THARM.
THIRAMSthirams n. Plural of thiram.
THIRAM n. an insecticide.
THORIASthorias n. Plural of thoria.
THORIA n. an oxide of thorium.
THRIMSAthrimsa n. (Historical) An Anglo-Saxon denomination of money; it may or may not have been a coin.
THRIMSA n. (Old English) an Anglo-Saxon gold coin, also THRYMSA.
TRISHAWtrishaw n. A three-wheeled cycle rickshaw.
TRISHAW n. a three-wheeled taxi bike.
WRAITHSwraiths n. Plural of wraith.
WRAITH n. a visible disembodied spirit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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