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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, H, I, P, R and S

AIRSHIPairship n. (Aviation) A lighter-than-air aircraft that can be propelled forward through the air as well as steered.
airship n. (US, law enforcement, aviation) A police air unit, a police helicopter.
airship n. (Aviation, informal) Any aircraft.
HARPIESharpies n. Plural of harpy.
HARPY n. a shrewish person.
HARPINSharpins n. Plural of harpin.
HARPIN n. a wooden plank used in shipbuilding, also HARPING.
HARPISTharpist n. Someone who plays a harp, especially a pedal harp.
HARPIST n. one who plays the harp, also HARPER.
PARIAHSpariahs n. Plural of pariah.
PARIAH n. (Tamil) a person of low or no caste; a social outcast.
PARKISHparkish adj. Synonym of parklike: similar to a park.
Parkish prop.n. A surname.
PARKISH adj. resembling a park.
RAPHIASraphias n. Plural of raphia.
RAPHIA n. (Malagasy) a genus of palm trees, also RAFFIA.
RASPISHraspish adj. Raspy.
RASPISH adj. irritable.
RHAPHISrhaphis n. Alternative form of raphide.
RHAPHIS n. (Greek) a needlelike crystal, usually of calcium oxalate, occurring in plant cells, also RAPHIDE, RAPHIS, RHAPHIDE.
RUPIAHSrupiahs n. Plural of rupiah.
RUPIAH n. (Hindi) a monetary unit of Indonesia.
SHARPIEsharpie n. (Colloquial) An alert person.
sharpie n. (US, regional) A knowledgeable fisherman.
sharpie n. (US) A swindler.
WARSHIPwarship n. Any ship built or armed for naval combat.
Warship n. (Britain, rail transport) A British Rail Class 41 locomotive, dating from the late 1950s.
WARSHIP n. a ship armed for combat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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