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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, H, I, O, R and S

AIRSHOTair-shot n. (Sports, soccer, golf, snooker etc.) A failed attempt to strike the ball.
air␣shot n. Alternative form of air-shot.
AIRSHOT n. in golf, a shot that misses the ball completely but counts as a shot.
AIRSHOWairshow n. Alternative spelling of air show.
air␣show n. A public display of stunt flying, aerobatics, and historical aircraft.
AIRSHOW n. an occasion when an airbase is open to the public with flying displays etc.
BOARISHboarish adj. Swinish; brutal; cruel.
BOARISH adj. swinish; brutal.
HAIRDOShairdos n. Plural of hairdo.
HAIRDO n. a style of wearing the hair.
HAVIORSHAVIOR n. (obsolete) behavior, demeanor, also HAVEOUR, HAVIOUR.
KAROSHIkaroshi n. Death, such as from heart attack or stroke, brought on by overwork or job-related stress.
KAROSHI n. (Japanese) death caused by overwork.
MOHAIRSmohairs n. Plural of mohair.
MOHAIR n. (Arabic) a fabric made from the silky hair of angora goats.
OARFISHoarfish n. A large, greatly elongated, type of fish of the family Regalecidae.
OARFISH n. a long slender fish, aka ribbonfish.
ORISHASorishas n. Plural of orisha.
ORISHA n. (Yoruba) any of the minor gods or spirits of traditional Yoruba religion, also ORIXA.
SHORTIAshortia n. (Botany) Any of the subshrubs and perennial herbs of the genus Shortia.
Shortia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Diapensiaceae – certain subshrubs or perennial herbs.
SHORTIA n. a perennial herb.
THORIASthorias n. Plural of thoria.
THORIA n. an oxide of thorium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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