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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, G, I, R, S and T

AGISTERagister n. Alternative form of agistor.
AGISTER n. a former officer of the king's forest, who had the care of cattle agisted, also AGISTOR.
AGISTORagistor n. One who agists or takes in cattle to pasture at a certain rate; a pasturer.
agistor n. (Historical) an officer of the king’s forest, who had the care of cattle agisted, and collected the…
AGISTOR n. a former officer of the king's forest, who had the care of cattle agisted, also AGISTER.
AIGRETSaigrets n. Plural of aigret.
AIGRET n. (French) a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament, also AIGRETTE.
ARTIGISARTIGI n. (Inuit) a kind of parka worn in Canada, also ATIGI.
GAITERSgaiters n. Plural of gaiter.
Gaiters prop.n. Plural of Gaiter.
GAITER n. a covering for the lower leg.
GASTRICgastric adj. Of or relating to the stomach.
GASTRIC adj. pertaining to the stomach.
GASTRINgastrin n. (Biochemistry) A hormone that stimulates the production of gastric acid in the stomach.
GASTRIN n. a hormone which stimulates production of gastric juice.
GRAITHSgraiths n. Plural of graith.
GRAITH v. (Scots) to dress, prepare.
GRATINSgratins n. Plural of gratin.
GRATIN n. (French) the golden-brown crust covering a gratinated food or dish.
GUITARSguitars n. Plural of guitar.
guitars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of guitar.
GUITAR n. a fretted musical instrument, usually six-stringed with a waisted body and a flat back.
ORGIASTorgiast n. One who attends an orgy.
orgiast n. (Idiomatic) One who is prone to excessive indulgence.
ORGIAST n. one who takes place in orgies.
RATINGSratings n. Plural of rating.
RATING n. an estimate or evaluation.
SEAGIRTseagirt adj. (Rare, poetic) Engirdled by the sea, as an island.
SEAGIRT adj. surrounded by the sea.
STAGIERstagier adj. Comparative form of stagy: more stagy.
STAGY adj. having a theatrical quality, also STAGEY.
STARINGstaring v. Present participle of stare.
staring n. The act of one who stares.
staring adj. Shining; vivid, garish.
STRIGAEstrigae n. Plural of striga.
STRIGA n. (Latin) the flute of a column.
TARINGStarings n. Plural of taring.
TARING n. the calculating of a tare.
TIRAGEStirages n. Plural of tirage.
TIRAGE n. drawing wine from a barrel before bottling.
TRAGICStragics n. Plural of tragic.
TRAGIC n. the element of the drama that produces tragedy.
TRIAGEStriages n. Plural of triage.
triages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of triage.
TRIAGE v. to practise triage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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