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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, G, I, L, N and U

CINGULAcingula n. Plural of cingulum.
CINGULUM n. (Latin) a girdle-like structure.
GAINFULgainful adj. Contrary.
gainful adj. Disposed to taking advantage of.
gainful adj. Troublesome; fractious; hard to handle.
GLUCINAglucina n. (Obsolete, chemistry) beryllium oxide.
GLUCINA n. an oxide of beryllium used as a hardener, also BERYLLIA.
HAULINGhauling v. Present participle of haul.
hauling n. Haulage.
HAULING n. the act of dragging.
LANGUIDlanguid adj. Of a person or animal, or their body functions: flagging from weakness, or inactive or weak, especially…
languid adj. Of a person or their movement: showing a dislike for physical effort; leisurely, unhurried.
languid adj. Of a person or their actions, character, etc.: lacking drive, emotion, or enthusiasm; apathetic, listless…
LAUDINGlauding v. Present participle of laud.
lauding n. An act of giving praise.
LAUD v. to praise.
LINGUAElinguae n. Plural of lingua.
LINGUA n. (Latin) the tongue.
LINGUALlingual adj. (Anatomy, dentistry, relational) Related to, near, or on the side toward the tongue.
lingual adj. (Linguistics, relational) Related to language or linguistics.
lingual n. (Phonetics) A sound articulated with the tongue.
LINGUASLINGUA n. (Latin) the tongue.
LINGULAlingula n. (Historical) A Roman unit of liquid measure reckoned as the volume of 5/12 Roman ounce of wine, equivalent…
lingula n. (Anatomy) Any of several tongue-shaped bony structures, especially that which forms the anterior border…
lingula n. (Anatomy) Any small, fleshy tongue-shaped structure, such as in the anatomy of the brain or the human…
MAULINGmauling n. An instance of something being mauled.
mauling v. Present participle of maul.
MAULING n. the act of handling roughly.
NILGAUSnilgaus n. Plural of nilgau.
NILGAU n. (Hindi) a kind of antelope, also NILGAI, NILGHAI, NILGHAU, NYLGHAI, NYLGHAU.
NILGHAUnilghau n. Alternative form of nilgai.
NILGHAU n. (Hindi) a kind of antelope, also NILGAI, NILGAU, NILGHAI, NYLGHAI, NYLGHAU.
SALUINGSALUE v. (obsolete) to salute.
UNAGILEunagile adj. Not agile.
UNAGILE adj. not agile.
VALUINGvaluing v. Present participle of value.
VALUE v. to estimate the worth of.
WAULINGwauling v. Present participle of waul.
wauling n. A plaintive cry or howl, as of a cat.
WAULING n. the act of crying like a cat, also WAWLING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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