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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, G, I, L, N and P

GALOPINgalopin n. (Scotland, obsolete) A boy employed in a kitchen.
GALOPIN n. (obsolete) an errand boy, kitchen boy.
GRAPLINgraplin n. A grapnel (small anchor).
GRAPLIN n. a type of anchor, also GRAPLINE.
LAMPINGlamping n. (Britain, Ireland) A form of hunting, at night, in which bright lights or lamps are used to dazzle the…
lamping adj. (Archaic) Bright, flashing, resplendent.
lamping v. Present participle of lamp.
LAPPINGlapping v. Present participle of lap.
lapping n. A kind of machine blanket or wrapping material used by calico printers.
lapping n. (Music, lutherie, bowmaking) Lengths of fine wire, silver, gold, silk or whalebone wrapped tightly around…
LAPSINGlapsing v. Present participle of lapse.
lapsing n. The act or process by which something lapses.
LAPSE v. to pass into disuse.
LAPWINGlapwing n. Any of several medium-sized wading birds belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae, within family Charadriidae.
lapwing n. A silly man.
LAPWING n. a bird of the plover family with crested head.
LEAPINGleaping v. Present participle and gerund of leap.
LEAP v. (Scots) to spring off the ground.
PAGINALpaginal adj. Of or pertaining to a page; consisting of pages.
PAGINAL adj. pertaining to the pages of a book.
PALINGSpalings n. Plural of paling.
Palings prop.n. Plural of Paling.
PALING n. a picket fence.
PALLINGpalling v. Present participle of pall.
palling v. Present participle of pal.
PALL v. to grow wearisome.
PALMINGpalming v. Present participle of palm.
PALM v. to touch with the inside of the hand.
PALPINGpalping v. Present participle of palp.
PALP v. to sense by touch.
PARLINGparling v. Present participle of parle.
PARLE v. to discuss terms with an enemy, also PARLEY.
PEALINGpealing v. Present participle of peal.
pealing n. The sound made by bells as they peal.
PEAL v. to ring out.
PLACINGplacing v. Present participle of place.
placing n. The action by which something is placed; placement; positioning.
placing n. The condition of being placed.
PLANINGplaning v. Present participle of plane.
planing n. The act by which something is planed.
PLANE v. to make smooth and even.
PLATINGplating v. Present participle of plate.
plating n. (Philately) An act of determining where a postage stamp is positioned on a sheet.
plating n. A thin coating of metal laid upon another metal.
PLAYINGplaying n. (Gerund of play) An occasion on which something, such as a song or show, is played.
playing v. Present participle of play.
PLAYING n. an act of play.
PLEAINGpleaing v. Present participle of plea.
PLEA v. to dispute in a court.
SAPLINGsapling n. A young tree, bigger than a seedling.
sapling n. (Figuratively) A youngster, especially a male nearing maturity.
SAPLING n. a young tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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