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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, G, I, L and 2N

ALININGalining v. Present participle of aline.
ALINE v. to arrange in a straight line.
ANELINGaneling v. Present participle of anele.
ANELE v. to anoint with extreme unction.
ANGINALanginal adj. Related to angina.
ANGINAL adj. relating to angina.
ANGLINGangling v. Present participle of angle.
angling n. A form of fishing, with a rod, line and angle (hook) for recreation or sport.
ANGLING n. the sport of fishing.
ANKLINGankling v. Present participle of ankle.
ANKLE v. to walk.
EANLINGeanling n. Alternative form of yeanling (“newborn goat or sheep”).
EANLING n. (Shakespeare) a young lamb, also WEANEL, WEANLING, YEANLING.
FLANINGFLANE v. to walk idly, saunter.
LANCINGlancing v. Present participle of lance.
lancing n. The act by which something is lanced.
Lancing prop.n. A large village in Adur district, West Sussex, England (OS grid ref TQ1804).
LANDINGlanding n. An arrival at a surface, as of an airplane or any descending object.
landing n. A place on a shoreline where a boat lands.
landing n. A level area at the top of a flight of stairs, or connecting one flight with another.
LANKINGlanking v. Present participle of lank.
LANK v. to become limp.
LARNINGLARN v. (dialect) to learn.
LAWNINGLAWN v. to turn into lawn.
LEANINGleaning n. A tendency or propensity.
leaning v. Present participle of lean.
LEANING n. a tendency.
LIGNANSlignans n. Plural of lignan.
LIGNAN n. a beneficial substance found in plants.
LINSANGlinsang n. Any of the members of two catlike Asian animal species classified in the mammalian family Prionodontidae.
linsang n. Any of the members of two superficially catlike African animal species classified in the mammalian family Viverridae.
LINSANG n. (Javanese) a civetlike animal of Borneo.
LOANINGloaning v. Present participle of loan.
loaning n. The granting of a loan.
loaning n. (Obsolete, Scottish and Northern English) A lane.
NAILINGnailing v. Present participle of nail.
nailing n. A mechanical fastening by means of nails.
NAILING n. making nails.
NEALINGnealing v. Present participle of neal.
NEAL v. an aphetic form of anneal, to heat and cool metal gradually to temper.
PLANINGplaning v. Present participle of plane.
planing n. The act by which something is planed.
PLANE v. to make smooth and even.
TANLINGtanling n. (Archaic, especially of children) One who has been tanned by the sun.
TANLING n. (Shakespeare) someone tanned by the sun.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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