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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, E, 2S and 2T

ASTERTSASTERT v. (obsolete) to start up, also ASTART.
ATTESTSattests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of attest.
ATTEST v. to affirm to be genuine.
BASSETTbassett n. Alternative form of basset.
bassett v. Alternative form of basset.
Bassett prop.n. An English surname transferred from the nickname derived from a nickname for a short person.
ESTATESestates n. Plural of estate.
ESTATE v. to bestow landed property.
FASTESTfastest adj. Superlative form of fast (adjective): most fast.
fastest adv. Superlative form of fast (adverb): most fast.
fastest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of fast.
LATESTSlatests n. Plural of latest.
LATEST n. the most recent development.
SAFTESTSAFT adj. (Scots) soft.
SALTESTsaltest adj. Superlative form of salt: most salt.
SALT adj. tasting of salt.
SCEATTSsceatts n. Plural of sceatt.
SCEATT n. (Old English) a small silver or gold coin of Anglo-Saxon times, also SCEAT.
STACTESSTACTE n. a sweet-smelling spice, liquid myrrh, used in incense by the ancient Hebrews.
STALESTstalest adj. Superlative form of stale: most stale.
STALE adj. not fresh.
STARETSstarets n. An elder of a monastery in the Russian Orthodox Church who functions as an adviser and teacher.
STARETS n. (Russian) a spiritual adviser in the Eastern Orthodox Church, also STARETZ.
STATERSstaters n. Plural of stater.
STATER n. (Greek) an ancient Greek coin.
STATUESstatues n. Plural of statue.
statues n. A children’s game in which the players have to stand still without moving while being looked at.
STATUE n. a three-dimensional work or art.
TASLETStaslets n. Plural of taslet.
TASLET n. in plate armour, one of a series of overlapping pieces forming a kind of skirt, also TACE, TASSE, TASSET.
TASSETStassets n. Plural of tasset.
TASSET n. in plate armour, one of a series of overlapping pieces forming a kind of skirt, also TACE, TASLET, TASSE.
TASTERStasters n. Plural of taster.
TASTER n. one who tastes.
TSATSKEtsatske n. Alternative spelling of tchotchke.
TSATSKE n. (Yiddish) a knickknack, a cheap trinket, also CHACHKA, CHATCHKA, CHATCHKE, TCHOTCHKE.
VASTESTvastest adj. Superlative form of vast: most vast.
VAST adj. huge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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