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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, E, R and 3T

ATTRITEattrite v. Alternative form of attrit.
attrite adj. Regretful of one’s wrongdoing merely due to fear of punishment.
attrite adj. Worn by rubbing or friction.
STRETTASTRETTA n. (Italian) a concluding musical passage played faster, also STRETTO.
TARTESTtartest adj. Superlative form of tart: most tart.
TART adj. sharp tasting.
TARTLETtartlet n. A small tart (pastry).
tartlet n. (Derogatory, slang) A promiscuous young woman.
TARTLET n. a small pie.
TATTERStatters n. (Plural only) Ragged clothing or fabric, paper, etc.
tatters n. Plural of tatter.
tatters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tatter.
TATTERYtattery adj. Tattered.
TATTERY adj. ragged.
TATTIERtattier adj. Comparative form of tatty: more tatty.
TATTY adj. shabby, frayed.
TATTLERtattler n. One who tattles (notifies authorities of illicit behavior) or is inclined to do so; a tattletale.
tattler n. Either of two similar bird species in the shorebird genus Heteroscelus (Tringa in some taxonomies).
tattler n. A device fitted to a vehicle to measure mileage etc.
TETRACTtetract adj. Tetractinal; having four rays.
tetract n. An organism having four rays.
TETRACT n. a sponge spicule, also TETRAXON.
TITRATEtitrate v. (Analytical chemistry) To ascertain the amount of a constituent in a solution (or other mixture) by…
titrate v. (Medicine, intransitive) To adjust the amount of a drug consumed until the desired effects are achieved.
titrate v. (Figuratively) To precisely control.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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