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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, E, N, R, T and V

AVENTREaventre v. (Obsolete, transitive, intransitive) To thrust forward (at a venture), as a spear.
AVENTRE v. (Spenser) to thrust, direct.
NERVATEnervate adj. (Botany) nerved.
NERVATE adj. having veins.
SERVANTservant n. One who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation. As opposed to a slave.
servant n. One who serves another, providing help in some manner.
servant n. (Religion) A person who dedicates themselves to God.
TAVERNAtaverna n. A small Greek restaurant.
Taverna prop.n. A surname from Italian.
TAVERNA n. (Modern Greek) in Greece, a type of guesthouse with bar.
TAVERNStaverns n. Plural of tavern.
TAVERN n. an ale house.
VARMENTvarment n. Alternative form of varmint.
VARMENT n. (dialect) a pest, vermin, also VARMINT.
VAUNTERvaunter n. Someone who vaunts, who brags; a braggart.
VAUNTER n. one who boasts, vaunts.
VENATORVENATOR n. (Latin) a huntsman.
VENTRALventral adj. Related to the abdomen or stomach.
ventral adj. (Anatomy) On the front side of the human body, or the corresponding surface of an animal, usually the lower surface.
ventral adj. (Anatomy) On or relating to the bottom portion of either foot and/or hand.
VERDANTverdant adj. Green in colour.
verdant adj. Abundant in verdure; lush with vegetation.
verdant adj. Fresh.
VERNANTvernant adj. (Obsolete) Flourishing, as in spring; vernal.
VERNANT adj. sprouting in spring.
VERSANTversant adj. (Archaic) experienced, practiced.
versant adj. Conversant.
versant adj. (Heraldry, not comparable) With the wings erect and open.
VETERANveteran n. A person with long experience of a particular activity.
veteran n. (Figurative) A group, animal, etc. with long experience of a particular activity.
veteran n. A person who has served in the armed forces, especially an old soldier who has seen long service; also…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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