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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, E, N, O, R and T

ANOTHERanother det. One more/further, in addition to a former number; a second or additional one, similar in likeness or in effect.
another det. Not the same; different.
another det. Any or some; any different person, indefinitely; anyone else; someone else.
ATONERSatoners n. Plural of atoner.
ATONER n. one who atones.
BARONETbaronet n. The bearer of a hereditary title, below a peerage and senior to most knighthoods, accompanied by the…
BARONET n. the lowest British hereditary title.
ENACTORenactor n. One who enacts.
ENACTOR n. one who enacts.
NEGATORnegator n. One who, or that which, negates.
negator n. (Grammar) A word (or other structural element) which causes negation (such as the word not in English).
NEGATOR n. one that negates, also NEGATER.
NORTENAnorteña n. A song in the norteño genre.
NORTENA n. (Spanish) among Latin Americans, a female North American.
NOTAIRENOTAIRE n. in France, a public official authorized by the state to attest and certify certain legal documents, oversee property transactions, etc.
OPERANToperant adj. That operates to produce an effect.
operant n. An operative person or thing.
operant n. (Psychology) Any of a class of behaviors that produce consequences by operating (i.e., acting) upon the environment.
ORNATERORNATE adj. decorated.
OTARINEotarine adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the eared seals.
OTARINE adj. relating to the otary, the eared seal.
OUTEARNoutearn v. To make more money than, to earn more than.
OUTEARN v. to surpass in earning.
PRONATEpronate v. (Transitive, anatomy) To turn or rotate one’s hand and forearm so that the palm faces down if the forearm…
pronate v. (Transitive, anatomy) To twist the foot so that if walking the weight would be borne on the inner edge of the foot.
pronate v. (Intransitive, anatomy) To become pronated.
PROTEANprotean adj. Exceedingly variable; readily assuming different shapes or forms.
protean adj. Alternative letter-case form of Protean (of or relating to Proteus).
protean n. (Biochemistry) A protein that has been slightly modified by water, dilute acid, or enzymes, but not…
REBOANTreboant adj. (Chiefly poetic) That reverberates or resounds loudly.
REBOANT adj. resounding loudly.
SANTEROsantero n. A man who crafts santos (religious statues).
SANTERO n. (Spanish) a priest of santeria, a Caribbean religion.
SENATORsenator n. A member, normally elected, in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate, as, for instance…
senator n. (Dated) A member of any legislative body or parliament, particularly the British Parliament.
senator n. (Historical) A member of the ancient Roman Senate.
TONEARMtonearm n. The pivoting bar that holds the pickup of a record player and conducts the resulting signal to the amplifier.
tone␣arm n. A light, balanced arm that holds the pickup cartridge on a record player.
TONEARM n. the pivoted part of a record player that holds the needle.
TORNADEtornade n. Obsolete form of tornado.
TORNADE n. a storm with very strong whirling winds, also TORNADO.
TREASONtreason n. The crime of betraying one’s own country.
treason n. An act of treachery, betrayal of trust or confidence.
TREASON n. betrayal of one's country.
VENATORVENATOR n. (Latin) a huntsman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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