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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing A, E, M, O, R and T

AMORETSamorets n. Plural of amoret.
AMORET n. a love sonnet or song; a sweetheart.
BROMATEbromate n. (Inorganic chemistry) the anion BrO3-1, derived from bromic acid; any salt containing this anion.
bromate v. To treat with bromic acid or a bromate.
BROMATE v. to combine with bromine.
EROTEMAEROTEMA n. (Greek) a rhetorical question, also EROTEME, EROTESIS.
FORMATEformate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of formic acid.
formate v. (Aeronautics) To assemble flying aircraft into formation; to fly in formation.
FORMATE v. to fly in formation.
MAESTROmaestro n. (Chiefly music) A master in some art, especially a composer or conductor.
maestro n. (Slang) A gang elder in prison.
MAESTRO n. (Italian) a master of an art.
OMERTASomertas n. Plural of omerta.
omertàs n. Plural of omertà.
OMERTA n. (Italian) the Mafia code of honour requiring silence about criminal activities.
TEAROOMtearoom n. A café which serves tea, usually with light food.
tearoom n. (Euphemistic, slang) A public lavatory, particularly (US gay slang, dated) as a meeting place for homosexual men.
tearoom n. (Australia) A room in a workplace set aside for tea breaks, lunch breaks, snacking, etc.; a break room.
TERAOHMteraohm n. Alternative spelling of tera-ohm.
tera-ohm n. One million million (1012) ohms. Symbol: TΩ.
TERAOHM n. one trillion ohms.
TONEARMtonearm n. The pivoting bar that holds the pickup of a record player and conducts the resulting signal to the amplifier.
tone␣arm n. A light, balanced arm that holds the pickup cartridge on a record player.
TONEARM n. the pivoted part of a record player that holds the needle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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