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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, E, M, O and 2R

ARMOIREarmoire n. A type of cupboard, cabinet, or wardrobe - originally used for storing weapons.
ARMOIRE n. (French) a large ornate cabinet.
ARMOREDarmored adj. Clad or equipped with arms or armor.
armored adj. Covered with armor, as a ship or the face of a fortification; armor-plated.
armored v. Simple past tense and past participle of armor.
ARMORERarmorer n. A manufacturer of weapons, especially of guns.
armorer n. A military specialist in charge of the upkeep of small arms etc.
armorer n. (Historical) Someone who makes or repairs armor.
EARWORMearworm n. A tune that keeps replaying in one’s head or that one keeps thinking about, especially if unwanted.
earworm n. (Originally US) Short for corn earworm (“larva of the moths Helicoverpa zea (syn. Heliothis zea) and…
earworm n. (Archaic) An earwig (“insect of the order Dermaptera”).
FOREARMforearm n. The part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow.
forearm n. (Firearms) A section of the weapon between the receiver and the muzzle, used to hold the firearm steady.
forearm v. (Transitive, sometimes figurative) To arm in preparation.
MAREROSMARERO n. a member of a mara in the US or Central America.
ORRAMENORRAMAN n. (Scots) a worker, esp. on a farm, who does odd jobs.
OVERARMoverarm adj. Throwing while having the hand above the elbow.
overarm adv. Having the hand above the arm at the time of throwing.
overarm n. (Dated) A style of swimming of extending the arms alternatively.
REMORASremoras n. Plural of remora.
REMORA n. (Latin) the sucking-fish, formerly believed to stop ships by attaching its sucker.
ROAMERSroamers n. Plural of roamer.
ROAMER n. one who roams, a wanderer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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