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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, E, L, N and 2S

ALLNESSallness n. Totality; completeness.
ALLNESS n. the condition of being all.
ANLASESANLAS n. a short two-edged dagger, also ANELACE, ANLACE.
AWNLESSawnless adj. Without awns or beard.
AWNLESS adj. without an awning.
ENSEALSenseals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enseal.
ENSEAL v. to put a seal upon.
GLASSENglassen adj. Made of or consisting of glass.
glassen adj. Resembling glass; glassy; glazed.
glassen v. (Transitive) To coat or cover (E.g. pottery, etc.) with glaze; make glassy.
HANSELShansels n. Plural of hansel.
HANSEL v. to give a good luck gift to, also HANDSEL.
LAXNESSlaxness n. The property of being lax, lacking strictness.
LAXNESS n. the state of being lax, also LAXITY.
MANLESSmanless adj. Without a man or men.
MANLESS adj. without men.
NAPLESSnapless adj. Without a nap; worn or threadbare.
napless adj. Without napping or sleeping.
NAPLESS adj. threadbare.
RANSELSRANSEL n. a search for stolen goods, also RANCEL, RANZEL.
SALINESsalines n. Plural of saline.
SALINE n. a salt solution.
SENDALSsendals n. Plural of sendal.
SENDAL n. a silk fabric.
SENSUALsensual adj. Inducing pleasurable or erotic sensations.
sensual adj. Of or pertaining to the physical senses; sensory.
sensual adj. Provoking or exciting a strong response in the senses.
SILANESsilanes n. Plural of silane.
SILANE n. a gas, silicon hydride, used in the production of semiconductors.
UNSEALSunseals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unseal.
UNSEAL v. to break the seal of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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