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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, E, L, N, R and U

ALEURONaleuron n. Alternative form of aleurone.
ALEURON n. a protein found in some seeds, also ALEURONE.
FLANEURflaneur n. One who wanders aimlessly, who roams, who travels at a lounging pace.
flaneur n. An idler, a loafer.
flaneur v. To wander aimlessly or at a lounging pace.
FRENULAfrenula n. Plural of frenulum.
FRENULUM n. (Latin) a connecting fold of membrane, also FRENUM, FRAENUM.
FUNERALfuneral n. A ceremony to honour and remember a deceased person. Often distinguished from a memorial service by…
funeral n. (Dated, chiefly in the plural) A funeral sermon.
funeral adj. (Uncommon) Alternative form of funereal.
GRANULEgranule n. A tiny grain, a small particle.
granule n. (Biology) A small structure in a cell.
granule n. (Geology) A particle from 2 to 4 mm in diameter, following the Wentworth scale.
LAUNDERlaunder n. (Obsolete) A washerwoman or washerman.
launder n. (Mining) A trough used by miners to receive powdered ore from the box where it is beaten, or for carrying…
launder n. A trough or channel carrying water to the wheel of a watermill.
LUCARNElucarne n. (Architecture) A dormer-window.
LUCARNE n. (French) a dormer window.
LURDANElurdane n. (Obsolete) A lazy, stupid person; a sluggard.
LURDANE n. (archaic) a dull or sluggish person, also LURDAN, LURDEN.
NEBULARnebular adj. (Astronomy) Of or pertaining to a nebula.
nebular adj. Cloudy; diffuse.
NEBULAR adj. of or like a nebula, a hazy or indistinct luminous area in the night sky representing a distant cluster of stars.
NEURULAneurula n. (Zoology) An embryo of vertebrates in the stage when the primitive band is first developed.
NEURULA n. (Greek) an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula, when the neural tube develops from the neural plate.
NEUTRALneutral adj. Not taking sides in a conflict such as war; nonaligned.
neutral adj. Favouring neither the supporting nor opposing viewpoint of a topic of debate; unbiased.
neutral adj. Neither positive nor negative.
NUCLEARnuclear adj. Pertaining to the nucleus of an atom.
nuclear adj. Involving energy released by nuclear reactions (fission, fusion, radioactive decay).
nuclear adj. Relating to a weapon that derives its force from rapid release of energy through nuclear reactions.
NUMERALnumeral n. A symbol that is not a word and represents a number, such as the Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3 and the Roman…
numeral n. A representation of a number composed of such symbols.
numeral n. (Linguistics) A number word, a simple or compound word for a number often having particular grammatical…
RUNDALErundale n. (Historical) A system of land tenure in which farmland was divided into irregular strips and allocated…
RUNDALE n. (Scots) a system of holding land in single detached pieces, also RUNRIG.
UNCLEARunclear adj. Ambiguous; liable to more than one interpretation.
unclear adj. Not clearly or explicitly defined.
unclear adj. Not easy to see or read; indecipherable or unreadable.
UNLEARNunlearn v. (Transitive) To discard the knowledge of.
unlearn v. (Transitive) To break a habit.
UNLEARN v. to put out of one's memory.
UNRAVELunravel v. (Transitive) To separate the threads (of); disentangle.
unravel v. (Intransitive, of threads etc.) To become separated; (Of something woven, knitted, etc.) to come apart.
unravel v. (Transitive, figurative) To clear from complication or difficulty; to unfold; to solve.
VENULARvenular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to venules.
VENULAR adj. like a venule, a small vein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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