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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, E, L, N, P and S

ALPEENSalpeens n. Plural of alpeen.
ALPEEN n. (Irish) a cudgel.
ALPINESalpines n. Plural of alpine.
ALPINE n. an alpine plant.
ENCLASPenclasp v. To hold in (or as if in) a clasp; to embrace.
ENCLASP v. to embrace, also INCLASP.
ESPANOLESPANOL n. (Spanish) a native of Spain.
NAPLESSnapless adj. Without a nap; worn or threadbare.
napless adj. Without napping or sleeping.
NAPLESS adj. threadbare.
NOPALESnopales n. (Plural only) The leaves of a prickly pear cactus, as used in Mexican cooking.
NOPAL n. (Nahuatl) a Central American cactus plant, on which the cochineal insect feeds, and from which it is collected.
PENNALSpennals n. Plural of pennal.
PENNAL n. (German) a freshman at a German university.
PINEALSpineals n. Plural of pineal.
PINEAL n. a gland in the brain.
PLANERSplaners n. Plural of planer.
PLANER n. a planing machine.
PLANETSplanets n. Plural of planet.
PLANET n. a celestial body.
PLATENSplatens n. Plural of platen.
PLATEN n. the part of a printing press which presses the paper against the type and by which the impression is made.
REPLANSreplans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of replan.
REPLAN v. to plan again.
SPANCELspancel n. A rope or fetter used to hobble a horse or other animal.
spancel v. (Transitive) to hobble with a spancel.
SPANCEL v. to bind with a rope.
SPANGLEspangle n. A small, flat piece of sparkling metallic or metal-like material with a hole which is sewn on to a garment…
spangle n. Any small sparkling object.
spangle n. (By extension).
SPANIELspaniel n. Any of various small to medium-sized breeds of gun dog having a broad muzzle, long, wavy fur and long…
spaniel n. A cringing, fawning person.
spaniel v. To follow loyally or obsequiously, like a spaniel.
SPELEANspelean adj. Alternative form of spelaean.
SPELEAN adj. living in caves, also SPELAEAN.
SPLENIAsplenia n. Plural of splenium.
SPLENIUM n. (Latin) a surgical bandage.
UPLEANSupleans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uplean.
UPLEAN v. to rest one's weight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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