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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, E, I, N, R and V

AVENIRSAVENIR n. (French) the future.
INVADERinvader n. One who invades a region.
invader n. An intruder (especially on someone’s privacy).
INVADER n. one that invades.
RAVELINravelin n. An outwork. A fortification outside a castle used to split an attacking force; composed of two faces…
RAVELIN n. a type of fortification.
RAVINEDravined adj. Having ravines.
ravined adj. (Obsolete) Ravenous.
RAVIN v. to devour greedily, also RAVEN.
RAVINESravines n. Plural of ravine.
RAVINE n. a narrow, steep-sided valley.
REAVINGreaving v. Present participle of reave.
reaving n. An act of pillage or plunder.
REAVE v. (archaic) to rob, plunder, also REIVE, RIEVE.
VAURIENvaurien n. (Archaic) A good-for-nothing; a scoundrel.
VAURIEN n. (French) a good-for-nothing.
VERMIANvermian adj. Of or relating to worms.
vermian adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the vermis.
VERMIAN adj. pertaining to worms.
VERVAINvervain n. Any herbaceous plant in the genus Verbena especially if used for medicinal purposes, primarily Verbena…
VERVAIN n. a wild verbena, believed to have magical powers, also VERVEN.
VINEGARvinegar n. (Uncountable) A sour liquid formed by the fermentation of alcohol used as a condiment or preservative;…
vinegar n. (Countable) Any variety of vinegar.
vinegar v. (Transitive) To season or otherwise treat with vinegar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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