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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, E, I, N, P and R

CAPRINEcaprine adj. Of or relating to goats.
caprine adj. Goatlike.
caprine n. Any of certain caprids (including sheep) that are regarded as being similar to the goat; any member…
FIREPANfirepan n. A pan for holding or conveying fire, especially the receptacle for the priming of a gun.
FIREPAN n. a metal vessel for holding a fire.
HEPARINheparin n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A compound occurring in the liver and other tissues which inhibits blood…
HEPARIN n. a complex substance formed in the liver that delays clotting of blood.
INAPTERINAPT adj. unfit or unqualified, also INEPT, UNAPT.
NAPPIERnappier adj. Comparative form of nappy: more nappy.
Nappier prop.n. A surname.
NAPPY adj. of beer, having a head, frothy.
PAINTERpainter n. An artist who paints pictures.
painter n. A laborer or workman who paints surfaces using a paintbrush or other means.
painter n. (Obsolete) A chain or rope used to attach the shank of an anchor to the side of a ship when not in use.
PANIERSpaniers n. Plural of panier.
PANIER n. a large basket, also PANNIER.
PANNIERpannier n. A large basket or bag fastened, usually in pairs, to the back of a bicycle or pack animal, or carried…
pannier n. A decorative basket for the display of flowers or fruits.
pannier n. (Historical, fashion) One of a pair of hoops used to expand the volume of a woman’s skirt to either side.
PARDINEpardine adj. (Rare) Pertaining to or resembling a leopard.
PARDINE adj. pertaining to or like a leopard.
PEARLINpearlin n. (Biochemistry) A protein found in nacre.
PEARLIN n. (Scots) a lace of silk or thread, used as edging, also PEARLING.
PERINEAperinea n. Plural of perineum.
PERINEUM n. the lower part of the body between the genital organs and the anus, also PERINAEUM.
PERMIANPermian n. An inhabitant of the Russian region of Perm; specifically, one belonging to a branch of the Finno-Ugric…
Permian n. The language of such people; Permic.
Permian adj. Pertaining to the Perm region of Russia, or its inhabitants.
PERTAINpertain v. (Intransitive) To belong to or be a part of; be an adjunct, attribute, or accessory of.
pertain v. (Intransitive) To relate, to refer, be relevant to.
pertain v. (Intransitive) To apply; to be or remain in place; to continue to be applicable.
PLAINERplainer adj. Comparative form of plain: more plain.
PLAIN adj. unadorned.
PRALINEpraline n. A confection made from almonds and other nuts, caramelized sugar, and sometimes milk or cream.
PRALINE n. (French) an almond coated with brown sugar, also PRAWLIN.
RANPIKEranpike n. Alternative form of rampike.
RANPIKE n. a dead tree or tree decayed at top, also RAMPICK, RAMPIKE, RAMPOLE.
RAPINESrapines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rapine.
RAPINE n. the taking of property by force.
REAPINGreaping v. Present participle of reap.
reaping n. The act by which something is reaped.
REAPING n. the cutting of e.g. corn.
REPAINTrepaint v. To paint anew or again, especially if recently painted.
repaint v. (Computing, transitive, intransitive) To draw or render again on the display.
repaint n. The act or process of painting something again, especially if recently painted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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