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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, E, I, L, R and V

CALIVERcaliver n. (Historical) A type of light musket.
Caliver prop.n. A surname.
CALIVER n. (Shakespeare) a type of light musket.
CAVILERcaviler n. A person who cavils; a faultfinder, quibbler or nitpicker.
CAVILER n. one that cavils, also CAVILLER.
CLAVIERclavier n. (Music) The keyboard of an organ, pianoforte, or harmonium.
CLAVIER n. (German) an early keyboard instrument, also KLAVIER.
FAVRILEfavrile n. (Art) An iridescent form of Tiffany glass.
FAVRILE n. a type of iridescent glassware developed in America at the turn of the 20th century by L. C. Tiffany.
KLAVIERKLAVIER n. (German) an early keyboard instrument, also CLAVIER.
LEAVIERLEAVY adj. full of leaves, also LEAFY.
PREVAILprevail v. (Intransitive) To be superior in strength, dominance, influence or frequency; to have or gain the advantage…
prevail v. (Intransitive) To be current, widespread or predominant; to have currency or prevalence.
prevail v. (Intransitive) To succeed in persuading or inducing.
RAVELINravelin n. An outwork. A fortification outside a castle used to split an attacking force; composed of two faces…
RAVELIN n. a type of fortification.
REAVAILreavail v. To avail again.
REAVAIL v. to avail again.
REVISALrevisal n. The act of revising; a revision.
REVISAL n. a revised version, also REVISION.
REVIVALrevival n. The act of reviving, or the state of being revived.
revival n. Reanimation from a state of languor or depression; applied to health, a person’s spirits, etc.
revival n. Renewed interest, performance, cultivation, or flourishing state of something, as of culture, commerce, agriculture.
RIVALEDrivaled v. (US) simple past tense and past participle of rival.
RIVAL v. to strive to equal or surpass.
VALERICvaleric adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or derived from valeric acid.
VALERIC adj. as in valeric acid, a fatty acid.
VALIDERVALID adj. sound, legally adequate.
VARIOLEvariole n. Smallpox; variola.
variole n. (Geology) A spherule of a variolite.
variole n. A shallow pit or pitted marking.
VEALIERVEALY adj. resembling veal or a calf; (figurative) characterized by youthful immaturity.
VELARIAvelaria n. Plural of velarium.
VELARIUM n. (Latin) an awning over an ancient Roman theatre.
VELARICvelaric adj. (Linguistics) Produced by combining a closure at the velum and a lowering of the tongue to decrease…
VELARIC adj. pertaining to the velar.
VIRELAIvirelai n. (Historical, poetry) A medieval poetic form consisting of two or more three line units in each stanza…
VIRELAI n. (French) an old French lyric form in two-rhymed stanzas of short lines, also VIRELAY.
VIRELAYvirelay n. Alternative spelling of virelai.
VIRELAY n. (French) an old French lyric form in two-rhymed stanzas of short lines, also VIRELAI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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