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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, E, H, I, R and T

AIRTHEDAIRTH v. (Scots) to guide, also AIRT.
FAITHERFAITHER n. (Scots) father.
HAIRNEThairnet n. A net designed to keep hair up and out of the way, e.g. while cooking.
hair␣net n. Alternative form of hairnet.
HAIRNET n. a net worn to keep the hair in place.
HASTIERhastier adj. Comparative form of hasty: more hasty.
HASTY adj. speedy.
HETAIRAhetaira n. Alternative form of hetaera.
HETAIRA n. a Greek courtesan, also HETAERA.
INEARTHinearth v. (Transitive, chiefly poetic) To put into the earth; inter.
INEARTH v. (archaic) to inter.
LATHIERlathier adj. Comparative form of lathy: more lathy.
LATHY adj. like a lath; long and slender.
SHERIATsheriat n. Archaic form of shari’a.
SHERIAT n. (Turkish) the body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIA, SHARIAH, SHARIAT, SHERIA.
THAWIERTHAWY adj. inclined to melt.
THERIACtheriac n. (Historical medicine) A universal antidote against all poisons, particularly medicines considered to…
theriac n. (Figurative) Synonym of panacea.
theriac n. (Medicine, archaic) Synonym of antidote, particularly (pseudoscience) those incorporating snakemeat to cure snakebite.
THERIANtherian adj. Of or pertaining to the taxonomic subclass Theria.
therian n. Any member of the taxonomic subclass Theria, the placental and marsupial mammals.
therian n. (Furry fandom slang) Clipping of therianthrope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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