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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, E, H, I, L and R

AIRHOLEairhole n. A hole provided for ventilation or breathing.
airhole n. A hole in ice through which air escapes.
airhole n. (Aeronautics) An air pocket.
CHARLIEcharlie n. Alternative letter-case form of Charlie.
charlie n. Alternative letter-case form of Charlie of the ICAO/NATO radiotelephony alphabet.
Charlie prop.n. A unisex given name.
HAILERShailers n. Plural of hailer.
HAILER n. one that hails.
HAILIERHAILY adj. with hail falling.
HALIERShaliers n. Plural of halier.
HALIER n. a former monetary unit of Slovakia.
HARELIPharelip n. (Teratology) A congenital malformation of the upper lip, reminiscent of the mouth of a hare.
harelip v. (Transitive) To curse (as if by causing a harelip)…
hare␣lip n. Alternative form of harelip.
HAULIERhaulier n. A person or company engaged in the haulage of goods.
haulier n. (Mining) A miner who hauls coal from the coalface to the bottom of the shaft.
HAULIER n. a person or firm employed in transporting goods, esp. by road.
HERNIALhernial adj. Of or relating to a hernia.
HERNIAL adj. relating to a hernia.
HIRABLEhirable adj. Able to be hired.
HIRABLE adj. available for hire, also HIREABLE.
INHALERinhaler n. One who inhales.
inhaler n. (Medicine) A device with a canister holding medicine (either in powder or gas form) which is sprayed…
INHALER n. one that inhales.
LAIGHERLAIGH adj. (Scots) low, also LAICH.
LATHIERlathier adj. Comparative form of lathy: more lathy.
LATHY adj. like a lath; long and slender.
SHALIERshalier adj. Comparative form of shaly: more shaly.
SHALY adj. resembling shale, also SHALEY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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