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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, N and 2R

ANGRIERangrier adj. Comparative form of angry: more angry.
ANGRY adj. having anger.
ARRANGEarrange v. (Transitive) To set up; to organize; to put into an orderly sequence or arrangement.
arrange v. (Transitive, intransitive) To plan; to prepare in advance.
arrange v. (Music, transitive, intransitive) To prepare and adapt an already-written composition for presentation…
EARRINGearring n. A piece of jewelry worn on the ear.
EARRING n. a ring worn on the earlobe.
FRANGERfranger n. (Australia, New Zealand, slang) A condom.
FRANGER n. (Australian slang) a condom.
GARNERSgarners n. Plural of garner.
garners v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of garner.
GARNER v. to gather and store.
GNARREDgnarred v. Simple past tense and past participle of gnar.
gnarred v. Simple past tense and past participle of gnarr.
GNAR v. to snarl, also GNARR, KNAR.
GRAINERgrainer n. A knife for taking the hair off skins.
grainer n. An infusion of pigeon’s dung used by tanners to neutralize the effects of lime and give flexibility…
grainer n. One who grains (paints in imitation of the grain of wood, marble, etc).
GRANDERgrander adj. Comparative form of grand: more grand.
GRAND adj. large and impressive.
GRANFERgranfer n. Pronunciation spelling of grandfather.
GRANFER n. (dialect) a grandfather.
GRANGERgranger n. (US) A member of the Grange, National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, an association representing farmers.
granger n. (Obsolete) A farm steward.
Granger prop.n. An English surname originating as an occupation for a granger (farm bailiff).
GRANTERgranter n. One who grants.
GRANTER n. the person by whom a grant or conveyance is made, also GRANTOR.
GROANERgroaner n. One who groans or complains.
groaner n. (Informal) A work of extremely low quality, so bad as to inspire groaning.
groaner n. (Informal) A particularly egregious joke, especially a pun.
ORANGERoranger adj. Comparative form of orange: more orange.
ORANGE adj. the colour of an orange (a fruit).
RANGERSrangers n. Plural of ranger.
Rangers n. Plural of Ranger.
Rangers prop.n. (Baseball) The team Texas Rangers, located in Arlington, Texas.
RANGIERrangier adj. Comparative form of rangy: more rangy.
RANGY adj. tall and slender.
REARINGrearing v. Present participle of rear.
rearing n. Act of raising young.
REARING n. the act of bringing up.
REGRANTregrant v. (Transitive) To grant (something) again or in a different way.
regrant n. The act of granting back to a former proprietor.
regrant n. A renewal of a grant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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