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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, N, O and R

ACROGENacrogen n. (Biology) any flowerless plant whose growth takes place at the tip of the main stem, especially the cryptogam ferns.
ACROGEN n. a cryptogam with a distinct permanent stem; a fern, a moss.
BEGROANbegroan v. (Transitive) To groan about; bewail; groan at.
BEGROAN v. to groan at.
CORNAGEcornage n. A feudal tax levied on horned cattle.
cornage n. (Law) An ancient tenure of land, which obliged the tenant to give notice of an invasion by blowing a horn.
CORNAGE n. (historical) a feudal service, being a form of rent fixed by the number of horned cattle.
GROANEDgroaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of groan.
GROAN v. to utter a low mournful sound, also GRONE.
GROANERgroaner n. One who groans or complains.
groaner n. (Informal) A work of extremely low quality, so bad as to inspire groaning.
groaner n. (Informal) A particularly egregious joke, especially a pun.
KARENGOkarengo n. (New Zealand) Pyropia columbina, an edible seaweed.
KARENGO n. (Maori) an edible type of Pacific seaweed.
MARENGOMarengo prop.n. A surname from Italian.
Marengo prop.n. A city in Illinois; named for the Battle of Marengo in Piedmont, in which Napoleon defeated the Austrians.
Marengo prop.n. A town, the county seat of Iowa County, Iowa; named for the Battle of Marengo.
MEGARONmegaron n. (Architecture, historical) The rectangular great hall in a Mycenaean building, usually supported with pillars.
MEGARON n. (Greek) the principal hall in an ancient Greek house.
NEGATORnegator n. One who, or that which, negates.
negator n. (Grammar) A word (or other structural element) which causes negation (such as the word not in English).
NEGATOR n. one that negates, also NEGATER.
ONAGERSonagers n. Plural of onager.
ONAGER n. a wild ass of Asia.
ORANGERoranger adj. Comparative form of orange: more orange.
ORANGE adj. the colour of an orange (a fruit).
ORANGESoranges n. Plural of orange.
oranges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of orange.
ORANGE n. a citrus fruit.
ORANGEYorangey adj. Somewhat orange in colour.
orangey adj. Resembling, or flavoured with, oranges (the fruit).
Orangey n. (Slang, Ireland, sometimes derogatory) A Protestant, especially one that is a member of the Protestant…
OREGANOoregano n. A herb of the mint family, Origanum vulgare, having aromatic leaves.
oregano n. Other herbs with a similar flavor, including other species in the genus Origanum, and Mexican oregano…
oregano n. The leaves of these plants used in flavouring food.
ORIGANEorigane n. Alternative form of oregano (“wild marjoram, Origanum vulgare”).
ORIGANE n. (Spanish) wild marjoram, also OREGANO, ORIGAN, ORIGANUM.
WAGONERwagoner n. Someone who drives a wagon.
Wagoner prop.n. (Astronomy) The constellation Auriga.
Wagoner prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation for a wagoner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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