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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, 2N and O

AGNOMENagnomen n. An additional cognomen given, as an honour, to a Roman citizen.
AGNOMEN n. (Latin) a name added to the family name, generally on account of some great exploit, as Africanus to Publius Cornelius Scipio.
GANOINEganoine n. (Zoology) A kind of bony tissue beneath the enamel of a ganoid scale.
GANOINE n. the hard shiny substance resembling enamel which forms the outer layer of ganoid fish-scales, also GANOIN.
NEGATONnegaton n. (Physics) A normal, negatively-charged electron, especially in comparison with a positon.
NEGATON n. a hypothetical atomic particle with mass equal to that of a proton, but with a negative charge equal to that of an electron, also NEGATRON.
NONAGEDnonaged adj. Not aged.
NONAGED adj. having the quality of nonage; being a minor.
NONAGESnonages n. Plural of nonage.
NONAGE n. legal infancy, minority.
NONGAMEnongame adj. Not a game, or unrelated to a game.
nongame adj. Not a game animal.
nongame n. An activity, etc. that is not a game.
NONWAGEnonwage adj. Not of or pertaining to a wage.
NONWAGE adj. not obtained from a wage.
TONNAGEtonnage n. The number of tons of water that a floating ship displaces.
tonnage n. The capacity of a ship’s hold etc in units of 100 cubic feet.
tonnage n. The number of tons of bombs dropped in a particular region over a particular period of time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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