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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, L and 2S

AGELESSageless adj. (Relative to past) Having existed for so great a period of time that its longevity cannot be expressed.
ageless adj. (Relative to future) Continuing infinitely or indefinitely.
ageless adj. Always appearing youthful; never seeming to age.
ALGESESALGESIS n. the sensation of pain.
ALGESISALGESIS n. the sensation of pain.
BAGLESSbagless adj. Without a bag, or one’s bag.
BAGLESS adj. not having a bag.
GAPLESSgapless adj. Having no gaps.
GAPLESS adj. without a gap.
GASLESSgasless adj. That does not use or generate gas.
gasless adj. Without gas (gasoline).
GASLESS adj. having no gas.
GLASSEDglassed v. Simple past tense and past participle of glass.
glassed adj. (Uncommon) Shielded or walled in by glass.
glassed adj. (Colloquial) Of a person: having been assaulted with a glass smashed on them.
GLASSENglassen adj. Made of or consisting of glass.
glassen adj. Resembling glass; glassy; glazed.
glassen v. (Transitive) To coat or cover (E.g. pottery, etc.) with glaze; make glassy.
GLASSESglasses n. Plural of glass.
glasses n. Spectacles, frames bearing two lenses worn in front of the eyes.
glasses n. Field glasses; binoculars.
GLASSIEGLASSIE n. a type of playing marble.
GLOSSAEglossae n. Plural of glossa.
GLOSSA n. (Latin) the tongue.
JAGLESSjagless adj. (Dated) Without a jag, or drinking spree; free from alcohol.
JAGLESS adj. (slang) not producing intoxication.
LARGESSlargess n. Alternative spelling of largesse.
LARGESS n. (French) generosity, also LARGESSE.
LIGASESligases n. Plural of ligase.
Ligases prop.n. Plural of Ligas.
LIGASE n. an enzyme which seals nicks in one strand of a duplex DNA.
SAULGESSAULGE n. (Spenser) the plant sage.
SEALGHSSEALGH n. (Scots) a seal (the animal), also SEALCH, SELKIE, SILKIE.
SILAGESsilages n. Plural of silage.
SILAGE v. to harvest and store a crop.
TAGLESStagless adj. Without a tag or tags.
TAGLESS adj. without a tag.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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