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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, L, R and U

BLAGUERBLAGUER n. one who talks pretentious nonsense, also BLAGUEUR.
EARPLUGearplug n. A piece of protective gear meant to be inserted in the ear canal to protect the wearer’s hearing from…
earplug v. (Transitive) To fit with earplugs.
EARPLUG n. a plug for the ear.
GAULTERgaulter n. One who digs gault clay.
GAULTER n. a person who digs gault, a heavy clay used for bricks.
GRANULEgranule n. A tiny grain, a small particle.
granule n. (Biology) A small structure in a cell.
granule n. (Geology) A particle from 2 to 4 mm in diameter, following the Wentworth scale.
GRAUPELgraupel n. (Meteorology, uncountable) A precipitation that forms when supercooled droplets of water condense on a snowflake.
graupel n. (Meteorology, countable) The result of this process, a small ball of rime.
GRAUPEL n. (German) precipitation consisting of granular snow pellets.
LAUGHERlaugher n. One who laughs.
laugher n. A game in which an opponent is defeated by a sizable margin; a blowout.
laugher n. A variety of the domestic pigeon.
LEAGUERleaguer n. A siege.
leaguer n. The camp of a besieging army; a camp in general.
leaguer n. A measure of liquid.
MAULGREmaulgre prep. Alternative spelling of maugre.
MAULGRE v. to show spite towards, also MALGRE, MAUGRE.
PLAGUERplaguer n. One who plagues or annoys.
plaguer n. (Slang) One infected with HIV.
PLAGUER n. one who plagues.
RAGEFULrageful adj. Full of rage, enraged.
RAGEFUL adj. full of rage.
RAGULEDraguled adj. (Heraldry) Notched in regular diagonal breaks; said of a line, or a bearing having such an edge.
RAGULED adj. of a line, with oblique projections like stubs, also RAGULY.
REGULAEregulae n. Plural of regula.
REGULA n. (Latin) the rule of a religious order.
REGULARregular adj. (Christianity) Bound by religious rule; belonging to a monastic or religious order (often as opposed to secular).
regular adj. Having a constant pattern; showing evenness of form or appearance.
regular adj. (Geometry, of a polygon) Both equilateral and equiangular; having all sides of the same length, and…
TEGULARtegular adj. Resembling or relating to a tile; arranged like tiles; consisting of tiles.
tegular adj. (Entomology) Relating to a tegula.
TEGULAR adj. Overlapping like tiles or slates.
TRAGULEtragule n. (Zoology, obsolete) A chevrotain (genus Tragulus).
TRAGULE n. (Greek) a small deerlike mammal, aka chevrotain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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